1; His two letters

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To the Karasuno Volleyball Team,

Thank you all for the amazing memories, I couldn't have asked for anyone better at all. You're all amazing friends and you're like family to me. I feel loved and needed here in the team. You guys have showed that you actually care and I couldn't have it any other way. I deeply apologize for what I'm about to do, but please know that I love you all so much (yes, even saltyshima), and I hope you never forget me

Suga read out loud to the team, he smiled a bit and looked at the others. "What do you think about this?" He asked, mostly looking at Daichi

"It sounds genuine, but the ending is concerning" Daichi said, and right when he was about to ask Kageyama what he recieved, the first year dropped the letter and ran, ran as fast as his legs could take him out of the gym

"Was he...crying?" Tanaka asked, curiously grabbing the letter as he began reading it out loud

To Tobio

Hey Kageyama, thank you for everything you have done for me. I know you could tell that I was acting differently the past few weeks, and I'll come clean now. I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety after leaving the hospital with my parents. My mom was supportive and promised that no matter what happened, she'd be there to support me. My dad was another story, but he was also the main reason for it. Before going to the hospital, he would always hit and beat the crap out of me, constantly using his belt or his fists. He would always do it when we were alone at home, it scared me.

Tanaka couldn't dare read more, so he gave the letter to Nishinoya as he clutched his stomach and tried to refrain from crying

Ennoshita noticed and went to comfort the once energetic second-year

Nishinoya continued reading from where Tanaka left off

One day, while mom and natsu were off on a weekly lunch visit, my dad had beat me to the point where i couldn't walk at all for the day. That's why I was limping that day at practice, i'm sorry for lying and saying that i just fell down the stairs badly. This has been happening for quite a while, my dad abusing me badly to the point where I actually went to the hospital. Kageyama, I almost died. Not by my dad, but from myself.

Nishinoya quickly gave the letter to Sugawara, running to Asahi and crying into the olders chest

Asahi comforted his boyfriend, trying to hold in his own tears as the others looked like they were close to crying as well

Sugawara clutched tightly onto Daichi's hand and resumed to read the letter from Hinata

I tried swallowing on so many pills, and even more dangerous things. I think this time, I'll try jumping off something so people won't be able to save me this time. They wouldn't know, they'd think I'm just a simple teenager, or little kid...
Kageyama, can I tell you something? I wouldn't be able to tell you in person anymore, but I just want you to know, I've loved you, and I always will
I loved you for a while, your smile, your hair, your eyes, i had fallen for you in a matter of time. The times you'd set for me, the times we'd walk home together, and the times we'd spent during classes. I don't...I don't regret meeting you here in Karasuno, even if we fight so much...I could never say
"I wish I didn't meet Kageyama"
because that would be a lie...you're the best, and you always will be

Sugawara stopped, putting a hand over his mouth as he tried to contain his sobs. Tsukishima took the paper next, his eyes glazing heavily with worry, tears building up in them as he held onto Yamaguchi's hand to give him a reminder he's there

Once Tsukishima was set, Yamaguchi hugged him and dug his face into the taller's chest, sobs leaving him every once in a while

It broke Tsukishima to see Yamaguchi like that, so he slipped an arm around the smaller's waist and held onto him as he continued to read the letter from where Sugawara left off

Kageyama, can I tell you something? Remember when I went to your house and I wouldn't let you touch me at all? I'm sorry...it's just that my dad had touched me in ways I didn't like, he forced himself on me...I was so scared, I couldn't tell anyone at all. It went on for so long, until I passed out. I don't wanna go back to living like that, I wanted to live happily with you, and maybe start a family
We can't always get what we want, can't we? I'm sorry Kageyama, I'm only doing what's best for me now...I'm so selfish
Please continue to live a good life, just without me in it. I love you Kageyama, and never, will that change
Tell the others to continue smiling for my sake, okay?
Love, Hinata Shōyō

Tsukishima stared at the paper, his fists crumpling it by how tightly he was holding it, his knuckles turning white. Why would Hinata ever do this?

That's what bothered Tsukishima, he knew something was wrong with the orange head, yet he never mentioned it. He should've, he should've helped Hinata when he could've

Yamaguchi's cries brought Tsuki back into the real world, and he clung onto him tightly, oh how scared he was to lose his precious freckled boyfriend

Everyone was crying, their thoughts becoming clouded with so much worry for their bright, energetic teammate

Kageyama had run off, they knew he was going to stop Hinata, at least...he would try to atleast. Daichi tried not to cry, holding tightly onto Sugawara

Asahi was whispering things into Nishi's ears, trying to his best to soothe his short libero boyfriend. Even if it may not help him, he knew it would atleast calm him down

Ennoshita was simply rubbing circles on Tanaka's back, telling him everything would be okay and that he shouldn't worry

Narita and Kinoshita were silently crying while bringing a few supplies to everyone so they can clean their faces. They had to support the team, even if it meant trying not to show hurt themselves

The females, Yachi and Kiyoko were bundled. Yachi sitting on Kiyoko's lap as she weeped on the black haired's chest, while the other simply held onto the blonde, not daring to say anything. She knew better than to say something, simply holding onto the first year calmed her down, the third-year knew the younger liked this.

Please do something Kageyama
You have to
We need Hinata, alive and well
You need Hinata
Save the love of your life
For all of us

We believe in you

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