2; His memories with him

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Kageyama ran as fast as he can, his feet taking him out the gym and out the school premises, running as though his life depended on it, in which it did

Hinata was making his way to the towers, he knew it. It was the only place he could think of in this town they lived in

The tall setter kept on running, ignoring the rude or confused glances and comments he got from people as he made his way to the one destination he could think of

Suddenly, waves of memories rushed into Kageyama's head as he thought of his orange-headed best friend. Agony made its way into his heart as he thought of him, he had to save him even if it means sacrificing something

"Kageyama! Can we get some meat buns on our way home? I really want some" Hinata said, jumping up and down happily with the biggest smile on his face. It was always like that when it was only them. Kageyama slightly smiled and nodded, "Sure, we can go buy some from coach's place" Hinata smiled and jumped up and down more, whooping happily. "Oi, dumbass. shut up!"

Tears threatened to fall from his eyes, he couldn't bear losing the one he loved. He was so close yet so far, he ran and ran, almost getting hit in the process

Hinata was holding onto Kageyama's arm tightly, the movie scaring him as two of the people were brutally killed. He never did well with horror movies, so when Kageyama found out, he had to test that theory. "Kageyama, why would you make me watch this?!" Hinata cried as he buried his face into the taller's arm. Naturally, he blushed by the spiker's action but tried to contain himself. "I can turn it off, don't wor-" and he was cut off by the lights flickering off

A power outage must've happened while they were distracted by the movie, Hinata screamed loudly and jumped onto Kageyama's lap, hugging said boy tightly by his chest. the blackhead couldn't help but wrap his arms around the short one, whispering sweet nothings in his ear. Just like that, they stayed that way for the rest of the night

Kageyama grunted as he was honked at by a car, ignoring the rude comments the guy was spewing his way, He needed to get to Hinata, he couldn't stop. His breathing was turning ragged, his feet hurting with each passing step and his legs were starting to feel wobbly. Yet, none of that was enough to stop Kageyama, he was going to get to Hinata, one way or another

His eyes were looking everywhere, they were alert so they can search for the familiar orange head he knew. Kageyama inhaled sharply and looked up, there, he saw something terrifying

Hinata was on top of a building already, sitting quietly while looking up in the sky. His features were hard to see from the distance, but he knew it was him. Kageyama ran faster and faster, he almost tripped by how tired he was yet he continued. He didn't want to stop, he couldn't stop

He was almost there, just a little more, and maybe he'll be able to go up the stairs and stop him before it was too late

"Hey Hinata, why are you limping?" Kageyama asked, looking at the shorter weird as he noticed he wasn't walking right. "O-oh, it's nothing, I just fell down some stairs," Hinata said, "I'll be okay!" 

Kageyama knew he was lying, his once beautiful hazel eyes that once shone with so much energy and love were now dusted with fear and pain. He couldn't bring himself to say anything, it just didn't feel right at the moment, he knew he needed some privacy for the both of them

"Why didn't I notice before?!" Kayama yelled at himself, finally reaching the building Hinata was seen at. He had felt stupid and blind for not realizing his best friend's pain and sorrow, he felt stupid for never asking Hinata what was really wrong

All because his dad had fucked his little sunshine up. Kageyama was pissed, but he could dwell on that later, he had someone to save. Running inside, the setter looked around quickly and found the staircase that would lead him to the roof

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