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You're laying on your bed, scrolling through Twitter like any other day. You scroll past dozens of Tweets talking about the protests happening everywhere. One Tweet seems to catch your eye. It reads:

"We are legion. Expect us."

Underneath is a photo of a fawkes mask. You don't think anything of it. Probably just fake news.

"Hey, I'm heading out. I'll be back in a few hours," your roommate tells you. Still looking at your phone, you give him a little nod in response.

You immediately go upstairs once your roommate leaves. He always seems suspicious, and you want to know what he's up to. You observe every little detail on his desk, as if you were some sort of detective trying to solve a mystery. On his cork board is a sticky note that reads, "dontforgivedontforget". You open his laptop and type it in as the password. The loading screen reads, "Welcome!" Did he really just put his password in the most obvious place possible?

Once you're in, you start browsing around, looking for anything that might give away what he's always doing up late at night. After a few clicks, something happens. The screen goes completely black. "WELCOME ANONYMOUS," the screen reads in all capital letters. That name sounded familiar. What part of the web was this? This seemed very suspicious. It was definitely the dark web.

Never in a million years would you have thought your roommate has access to the dark web. What horrible things is he doing on here? Suddenly, the little light next the camera turns green. Somebody was for sure watching you. You then hear a deep voice speak as you jump in fear.

"Who are you?" the deep voice says. A hooded figure with a fawkes mask on pops up on the screen, the same exact one you saw on Twitter earlier. "Uh..." you stutter. What did you get yourself into? You quickly look for a sticky note in order to cover the camera.

"Do not cover the camera," he says. You follow his orders, because who knows what he might do to you if you don't. "What's a pretty girl like you doing on here?" he laughs. "Oh... uh," you don't know what to say in response to that.

"Anyways..." his voice immediately turns serious again, " did you get access to this computer?" he asks sternly. You don't know if telling him about your roommate would do him any harm. You didn't want to get him in trouble. But you have to tell the truth. "My roommate went out and I decided to look through his computer," you say nervously. "I saw his password written down on a paper," you continue. "Who's your roommate?" he asks, leaning back on his chair while crossing his arms. "Timothée," you say.

"Oh Timothée," he says to himself. "Wasn't always the wisest," he says, pulling back his black hood, revealing fluffy brown hair. "I'm going to have to take the laptop away from you," he deeply says. "How so?" you ask him. "Stay put. Do not move, or you will be in trouble," he says with a stern voice. "Expect us." The camera turns off, and you're back at the desktop, which seems completely normal. You stay put, as told to.

A few hours pass by, and still nothing happens. Thankfully, Timothée still isn't home. He usually doesn't get back till 2 or 3 in the morning.

Suddenly, horrible thoughts start rushing through your head. What if somebody is after Timothée? What if somebody is after you? What's going to happen now? What did he mean by "expect us"?

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