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You didn't like the sound of having to give Anonymous something in return for revealing his identity. But at the same time, you needed to know who this mysterious boy was. The only way you could get yourself out of this mess was if you made a compromise. So you decided to agree with him.

"Fine. I'll do whatever you want I guess," you sigh.

"Alright. Well, in order for me to tell you who I am, we're going to have to go somewhere else," he says, walking towards the door. Were you really going to trust this stranger you had just met? Short answer, yes.

"Okay, well, where are you taking me?" you ask, following behind him.

"You ask too many questions," he opens the door and signals for you to go through. "Ladies first." He was a gentleman too? No, you're not falling for this person you had just met on the dark web.

"Wait, what about Timothée? He's going to be worried sick about me. I'm never out this late," you look up at Anonymous.

"You're his girl, huh?" he asks.

"Well... we did have a thing at one point. But stuff happens, and now we're just friends," you frown at the thought of yourself breaking his heart.

Anonymous notices your change in expression and quickly tries to change the subject. "So, I never caught your name."

"I'm (Y/N)," you say, holding out your small, delicate hand for him to shake. He takes his significantly bigger hand, veins and all, and holds yours in his. They felt soft and comforting.

"I like that name," he says. "You can call me Anon." Anon? Was that actually his name?

"Well, lets go," he walks towards his car. It was an all black BMW. It was nice. Whatever he does for a living, he no doubt makes good money out of it.

He opens the door for you and walks around to the drivers seat. Were you really getting into a car with a stranger?

"It's going to be a long drive. And don't worry about Timothée, I've got him taken care of," he says, backing out the driveway. He uses one hand to steer the wheel.

You lean your head against the window and look outside. You couldn't believe what you were doing right now. One minute, you were laying on your bed scrolling through Twitter, and the next, you're here.

You suddenly remember something. "Hey, I saw you on my Twitter feed earlier. What is that about?"

He doesn't say anything for a few seconds. "I'm involved in things you don't want to be associated with. You can go to prison for the things I've done," he looks over at you.

You don't know what to say, so you leave it at that. You don't want to pressure him into telling you everything. But it makes you wonder, is your own roommate also involved in illegal activity?

A few hours pass by and you fall asleep. When you wake up, the car is stopped at the side of the road. Anon is asleep next you.

This was the perfect time to take off his mask. But you had to be very careful. You slowly reach over and gently lift up the mask, revealing his lips.

"What are you doing?" he wakes up and pushes you away. "Do you know much trouble I can get into if I—"

You quickly lean over, and your lips gently make contact with his. His lips felt soft. He felt safe. The kiss slowly starts to become more and more passionate.

His lips mash against yours, as if he were trying to destroy your mouth. You hungrily push back with your mouth wide open. You work your mouth against his, your tongues battling back and forth like wrestlers, each trying to pin the other.

When you pull away, you notice a big bulge in his pants. Looks like someone has a visitor. "Let's go to the backseat," you smirk.

"I like what I'm hearing," he says, opening his door.

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