Character Art

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A, probably terrible, character art attempt for demonglossed.

I'm not certain if you saw this on your thread in the forums before the timer ran out, so here it is just in case.

I did notice, only after I had finished, that I put the brow marks on the wrong side... sorry about that.

Also, I apologise if this is terrible. As I mentioned, I haven't drawn anything in a long while.

demonglossed please let me know if you see this and what you think. :-)
I know you were offering payment in your thread, but I do not require anything.
After you've seen this, I might unpublish the chapter. I was just using this space as a way of sharing the drawing with you since the forum thread expired.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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Artwork By LittleRaven94Where stories live. Discover now