Chapter 05

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Vienna, Austria.

Dadi : Billu, at least have some snack.

He nodded in No.

Dadi : What will I do with you, Billu ?

Shivaay twisted his mouth, and, walked to the garden. Shivaay and Annika, are married, for three years. Though, it was hard to convince her mother, her father was a great support, to her decision. Eventually, her mother also, started liking Shivaay. It's not like, she held some past vengeance with him, but class cases, and, cousins.

Shivaay, Annika, and his Dadi shifted to Vienna, Austria. Shivaay is the men clothing designer, and, she took the women clothing, vice versa. It was their own Fashion Venture. They always find fun, working together. More than spouses, they're best friends.

Shivaay had undergone a cochlear implant surgery. He made a fuss, and, ruckus, after the surgery as he felt the receiver as a bump behind his ears. He'd cried, cocooning into her chest, as he had wound healing problem, on the surgical cut. His skin was so soft. It took whole two weeks, to be reform him back.

Tears streamed down his cheeks, as for the first time, he heard the surrounding sound. He heard her voice. Her Shivaay, was mellifluous to his hearing senses. She couldn't help but falling for him, more than she could ever will be. He meant the world to her.

She love making love with him. He's always a timid when it comes to intimacy. He's a sweetheart. She always tease him, after their intimate moment. He'll be a crimson baby, just hers. He loves to peck her lips, as he found them extremely plump and soft. He have a very weird habit of, making her smile and touching those sharp premolars.

It's been a week, they'd met. She went to Fashion Launching to a different city, without him, as he was down with cold and mild shiver. She left him with Dadi. He was very obedient, in taking medicine and healthy soups. But not today. She'd promised to return yesterday, but she still hasn't arrived. He's now, in a 'no friend you', zone with her. Annika entered the hall, and, looked for him.

A : Dadi...

D : Hayye Annika, come here.

Annika took blessing and hugged her.

A : Where's he ?

D : He's angry with you. Even, he skipped his breakfast. He's in the garden. Just go and stand in front of him. He'll forget his anger.

Annika nodded with a smile, and walked towards the Garden. She chuckled seeing him in distant. He was munching his favourite Oreo, whilst keeping the round glass cookie jar on his lap.

She stood in front him. His face engulfed happiness, seeing her. He kept the jar down and dusted off is hands. But he frowned remembering her late arrival. He folded his hands above his chest and looked at the other direction.

A : Baby, seems so cross with me.

Shivaay twisted his mouth, and maintained his 90 degree nose. She sat on his lap, and, hugged him. He gave up, in her love. He wrapped his hands around her waist, even tighter. She softly cupped his face, and, pecked his nose tip.

A : Sorry Shivaay, caught up in last minute work.

He blinked twice, and, kept his head on her chest. He missed the warmth. Annika kissed on top of his head, and, pulled his face upwards.

A : I've something for you. Two minutes.

He nodded in negative, tightening the hold. She pleaded, brushing her nose with his. He pouted loosening the hold. She went in the house, with the cookie jar. She came shortly and took the previous position on his lap.

A : Open it.

Shivaay took the packet, while, Annika moved back a bit. She wiped the biscuit smearing, in the corner of his lips. Shivaay opened the packet, and, was surprised. It was a shawl. He widened the shawl, and, instantly a smile caught his lips. The shawl was designed like a bill paper, with Burberry monogram print in borders, lightweight. His eyes glistened as he noticed the I Love You Annika, in the middle.

A : Inspired by, my great husband's proposal letter. You like it ?

Shivaay kept the shawl on her lap, and, blinked as a sign of inviting closer. He kissed on her forehead, as she wiped off the tears. He breathed a thank you, on her cheek, as he pressed a sloppy kiss there.

A : Keep you thank you in your pocket. Come, let's have breakfast.

She got up from his lap. Shivaay curled the shawl into his clutch, and, kept near his heart. She blew a kiss on his face, and, walked forward, just to be stopped by him. He slowly pulled her closer. He got her right hand and placed on his lips.

S: Aa..Aaf...Aahn..Ika..Aahn..ika..

Annika was benumbed.

A : Again, please...

S : Hmm-mm...Aahn..ika

Annika cupped his cheeks, and, kissed on his lips. He smiled, reciprocating the kiss, as his hands drifted to her hip. It settled there and pulled her closer. She inhaled sharply. Her hands locked around his neck pulling him down slightly. They broke kiss, and, panted with glistening eyes.

A : I love you so much, Shivaay.

Shivaay blinked twice, as he pulled her closer, for an another kiss. The kiss was so romantic, like a love story. She love him more, than he'll ever know ; he love her more, than she ever shown. For heart and love, it needs a part called feelings. People says that, mostly unspoken love are the reason for heart breaks. But, they proved it wrong.

Sometimes, love wins without words too. Just like Shivaay and Annika's, Unverbalised Love.

- The End -

Gratitude,Love Comrade.

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