I'll take a potato chip.... AND EAT IT!

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Heeeeey Vsauce, Michael here


So the last tag I did was exactly one week ago and two days ago.
Let's do a quick recap of what exactly happened in my (uninteresting) life during this time.

• I cut my finger and there was lots of BLOOOOD EVERYWHERE

I'm kidding

There was only a little bit of blood.
But there was blood, okay?

• I VC'ed with some of my good friends, which was very fun.

• I vibed to music, browsed a lotta memes, talked to mah frens, watched a lotta YouTube, annoyed mah bro, chilled with Lisa, learned some new jokes which I do not want to repeat because there are innocent kids reading this.


Let's begin, shall we?

Let's begin, shall we?

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Favourite song atm?

Currently it's Discord by The Living Tombstone.

One fact about me is that my favourite songs change very frequently.
If you text me tomorrow and ask me what my favourite song is, there's a 70 percent chance that it'll be a different one.

It might just be the Ducktales theme song, you never know.

Best friend?

I do not pick favourites.



Picture(s) of yourself?

How 'bout... no.

Sweetest person you know?

*Sweats profusely*

So many sweet people...

Okay but some of the sweetest people I've met in my life are laurelbtsgirl , RGSkyRusher , -delicateflowers, lunaaa_aa, AimForTheTop, cutiejuliepatootie
And there are more toooo

Relationship status?


Like it has been all my life uwu

Five top boy k-pop bands?

Yeah, no.

Five biggest fears?

I'll give you two

-The fear of falling
-The fear of losing my loved ones

Five people that make you happy?

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