Author's Note

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Hey there guys. It's Uncreative. In light of everything going on in our world, I just wanted to say a few words. I live in the US and this is... terrifying. It hasn't reached my area yet, but if things keep going like they are, they might. The military, not just the police from my understanding, are getting involved. This has far to many parallels to Germany leading up to WWII. A leader saying 'for our country' as soldiers bully those who disagree with him or are different from him. Soldiers and tanks, or at least tanklike cars, rolling through the streets of neighborhoods, forcing people back into their homes and firing without provocation on innocent civilians. Tear gas, rubber bullets, riot shields, and I'm not sure what else, things that are supposed to be used on those threatening our safety, used on us. This is what my country, and maybe your country, has come to. This needs to stop. I know that there isn't much I can do to change things right now. I'm not near any riots that I know of, I don't know where I can donate to actually have my money get to the people who need it, and I'm not technically an adult yet. The violence and injustice needs to end. Please, if you are going to the riots, stay safe. If there are soldiers in your area, stay safe. Please, no more needless bloodshed. Don't give them an 'excuse'.

I may not be black, but I see you
I may not be black, but I hear you.
I may not be black, but I mourn with you.
I may not be black, but I stand with you.
#BlackLivesMatter #WeStandTogether

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