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I've never seen anyone who would look at the moon and stars so lovingly. every night she would always go out just to see the stars and moon shine so brightly above her. all her worry disappears whenever she'll have a glimpse of them. Ever since she was young, she believed that there's nothing or no one that can make her calm other than the moon and stars. Not until she met a man. the man who is not the moon and stars but, can completely make her calm.

hi so i've decided to write another story. I actually didn't want to because, for sure that i won't be able to finish this and i have doubts with my own work. but this story has been messing with my head so i've decided to give it a try ! disclaimer: i'm not a pro when it comes to writing stories. especially in grammas and some tagalog words because i'm not fluent in tagalog. so if you see errors, don't hesitate to point it out and i will glady edit it. thank you and enjoy reading:)

Please be advised that this story contains mature themes and strong language that are not suitable for very young audiences.

DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are either the products of the author's imagination.

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