Chapter 2: Surprise

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Well here we are he's about to see everyone for the first time in 6 years, how do you think everyone will react? More importantly, how do you think his meeting with Cindy will go?

*beep beep beep* Jimmy groaned and shut off his alarm, it was 7:30 and he was due at the school no later than 8:15 or he would be considered late. He had talked to the principal and gotten special permission to arrive after everyone else, since it was his first day back in 6 years he didn't want to deal with the crowd and hoped he'd find either Carl or Sheen to walk with right after class. He hadn't told anyone he was coming back, especially Cindy. He hoped by keeping the suspense it would make their reunion all the more special, he had the whole scene planned out in his head. He smiled to himself as he got out of bed and prepared to go take a shower.


He got out and walked back to his room to choose a wardrobe for the day, he was reuniting with his girl and wanted to look sharp. He finally settled on a simple dark gray long sleeve shirt and blue jeans, then he got to work on his hair. The officials at the training camp had made him cut his hair immediately upon arrival and he actually found he preferred shorter hair anyways, he now wore a faded look though it was still chestnut brown and he had grown a little facial hair around his chin as well. During his time both at the camp and in space he had changed physically, for the better; he was taller (now standing at 6 feet), much more muscular (which you could see easily without having to look very hard) and as with all young men his voice changed and was much deeper than it had been before he left. As he looked in the mirror he realized truly how much he had changed, he didn't remotely resemble the kid that had left 6 years previously; the only thing that stayed the same was the color of his hair and his piercing blue eyes, otherwise he looked almost like a stranger and anyone who hadn't seen him during his transformation wouldn't recognize him nor would they know his voice anymore. Satisfied that he was ready, he turned and smiled at Goddard then bent down to pat him on the head. He thanked his lucky stars he was able to bring Goddard with him to both camp and space, he wasn't sure he would have survived the distance if he didn't at least have his familiar with him.

"Well wish me luck boy, I'm about to see everyone again for the first time in 6 years"

If Goddard could raise an eyebrow he most certainly would have, he opened his front panel, "Everyone? I do believe you mean Cindy"

Jimmy chuckled, "okay fine you caught me, yes I'm mostly anxious to see her again" then his smile faded and his face grew more concerned, "do you think things will be the same and we can continue where we left off?"

"If I had fingers I would cross them for you. Just stay calm and do not stress, you do not want look too nervous when you see her again, reuniting is supposed to be a happy occasion"

Jimmy smiled again, "thanks buddy I knew I could count on you"

Goddard barked happily and wagged his tail, and with that Jimmy grabbed the keys to his very unused hovercar and set off.


The ride to the school took 15 minutes and he was able to park on the front lawn. He went inside right to the office so he could get his schedule and directions to his class. The secretary printed him the necessary items and sent him on his way. As he was walking he passed a figure in the hallway holding a bloody tissue to his nose, the figure looked familiar and he did a double take.


Carl turned to look at Jimmy curiously, he didn't recognize him so he assumed he must be new, "yes? Also how do you know my name? I'm not exactly popular around here, or did the office assign me to show you around? Because I'm slightly preoccupied at the moment" he held up the tissue then put it back on his nose, "I was in gym class and my best friend accidentally hit me in the face with a dodge ball. Actually he should be coming any minute, he fell to the floor laughing after he did that and hurt himself as well. His girlfriend volunteered to walk us both to the nurse and no doubt he's getting an earful, he tends to do things like this quite often and while she's patient she can only take so much of his antics" he chuckled but then noticed Jimmy watching amused and mistook the look for a polite smile, "oh gosh I'm so sorry, I don't even know you and here I am telling you my whole life story!" he sighed, "you look like you'd be a popular type so you probably don't even care about nerds like us" he began to walk away.

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