Part 1

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Pans_queen: Guess who finally decided to get instagram?

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Pans_queen: Guess who finally decided to get instagram?

Mionebooks: Parkinson? You got Instagram?
Purebloodking: she's not the only one
Thechosenkid: Malfoy! Is that you?
Purebloodking: yes Potter I have this muggle Instagram thing now too
Blaise.z: Same. It did take me a while to learn how to operate this muggle stuff though.
Notttheo: Yeah, It's really confusing!
Weasel_king: Do all the Slytherins have Instagram now?
Pans_queen: pretty much.

Notttheo: Yeah, It's really confusing!Weasel_king: Do all the Slytherins have Instagram now?Pans_queen: pretty much

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Thechosenkid: Who's ready for 8th year?

Mionebooks: Me! I can't wait!
Weasel_king: I'm excited to see everyone but not excited for the school part
Mionebooks: but the school part is fun.
Don'tfeedthenargles: Can't wait to see you all!
Plantkid123: I heard a rumor that they're doing mixed house dorms for the 8th years.
Pans_queen: If I have to share a dorm with a Gryffindork I will throw myself into the Great Lake!
Mionebooks: I think you had a typo. There's no 'k' in Gryffindor.
Pans_queen: It was not a typo.
Purebloodking: Wow Granger! Were you actually stupid enough to think was a typo.
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Thecoolestweasley: Hanging with my besties before we leave on the Hogwarts exspress tomorrow![tagged: @don'tfeedthenargles @mionebooks]

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Thecoolestweasley: Hanging with my besties before we leave on the Hogwarts exspress tomorrow!
[tagged: @don'tfeedthenargles @mionebooks]

Don'tfeedthenargles: That was fun! We should hang out more!
Thecoolestweasley: I totally agree!
Thechosenkid: I feel excluded!
Weasel_king: ^^
Thecoolestweasley: It was girls only, so sorry not sorry
Pans_queen: If you were trying to do a cool squad photo I must tell you that no one can take a cooler squad photo then me and Blaise!
Mionebooks: *Blaise and I
Thecoolestweasley: I'll believe it when I see it
Blaise.z: you will not be disappointed

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