~𝐶ℎ𝑎𝑝𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝐹𝑜𝑢𝑟~

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Kairi woke up to his phone ringing. He saw Matthew next to him sleeping. He regretted what he did although he didn't have romantic feelings, he still had sexual feelings. He picked up his phone and it was Alejandro.


Ale : Hey Kai I was wondering if you wanted to come over to Alvaros house. We're all gonna be here

Kai : Yeah I'll go is it fine if I decide to bring someone later

Ale : Yeah of course see you later

Kai : Bye love you dude


"Hey Matthew do you wanna go to my friends house in a bit" Kairi asked him. "I gotta meet up with the boys for practice. sorry but maybe next time, I better get going if I'm gonna make it" he said. "okay bye" Kairi said. He put on joggers and a hoodie. He put swimming trunks in his hoodie pocket. He then put on his shoes and made his way to Alvaros house. He got his keys and drove there. When he got there saw Mattia sitting down with Alvaro on his lap. He knew he couldn't say anything because of what happened last night.

Despite what happened he was still hurt. Kairi put on a smile that everyone knew was fake. Nobody bothered to ask him what happened because they knew he wouldn't answer truthfully. They all had fun until Kairi said "I'm gonna go relax in the guest room if that's alright". It made everyone question why he was acting weird.

Kairi went upstairs took a shower and laid on the bed. He then called Taylor.

•Taylor : Hey what's up

—Kairi : I feel like shit

•Taylor : What happened

—Kairi : Me and Mattia slept together  a few days ago and yesterday I slept with this guy I barely met because Mattia and Al went on a date and I was mad but sad and now I feel like I wanna die.

• Taylor : Hey Kai relax. It's what anyone would do if they loved someone and they went out with someone else

—Kairi : I don't love him

•Taylor : Think about Mattia and tell me in a confident voice that you don't love him

— Kairi : Okay jeez I do love him but I feel like there's nothing I can do.

• Taylor : I'm gonna hang up. Then you're gonna go talk to Mattia and tell him how you truly feel. Goodbye Kai and good look

— Kairi : Bye Taylor and thanks for everything


What Kairi didn't know was that Alvaro had been listening in on the call and he went down to tell Mattia that Kairi slept with someone else. As Kairi was gonna leave the room someone else opened the door. It was Mattia. Mattia closed the door and locked it.

"You slept with Matthew" He asked in a hurt tone. Kairi looked down and started to cry . He then said "Yes but-" while still looking to the ground. Mattia cut him off and said "How could you". "YOU'RE TELLING ME! ME SLEEPING WITH MATTHEW HAPPENED BECAUSE I WAS MAD YOU AND VARO."

"WENT ON A FUCKING DATE OKAY I LOVE YOU" Kairi yelled before leaving the room. Mattia tried to stop him but Kairi ran out. He got his shoes and ran to his house. Mattia wanted to follow after him but Alvaro stopped him. "He doesn't love you I mean he slept with someone else. If he loved you he would've talked to you about it"

Mattia looked down at Alvaro and thought that he was right. 'Kairi shouldn't have slept with someone just because he was mad' he thought to himself. Mattia was mad at Kairi and if he had been honest with himself he actually started to feel something for Alvaro which was probably the only reason he stayed.

Kairi went home and found Matthew fucking a girl in his bedroom. "How the fuck did you even get in here" Kairi asked him. "Kai I swear she made me" he said. Kairi looked over to the girl and it was someone he recognized. It was Mattias ex, Jenna. "I'll ask one more time how did you get in here" Kairi said again but this time angry.

"T-there was a key under your doormat" He said putting on his clothes. He went up to them and slapped the both. "GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY HOUSE" He yelled. The two rushed out leaving their phones behind but they didn't notice. Kairi saw their phones and took them to the pawn shop.

He got 4,000$ in return for the two iphone 11 pros. Kairi still couldn't stop thinking about Mattia. Kairi started changing his sheets. He then started to look around the house to see if they took anything and all he found was a safe box behind his moms old bedrooms bed. He figured out the code was his birthday and there was 5 million dollars cash.

He was surprised because he never thought to think that they had this much money. He then saw a note on the top of the money stacks. It read ;

Hi Kairi, It's Dave. I'm leaving you this money because I know that you'll need it and I know that you will put it to good use. I'm sorry your mother didn't tell you about us sooner but Maiya is living with her friend now so that's why she hasn't been home and now you have the house to yourself. I'm writing this just was we're leaving and I hope that you'll be happy. I know I'll never amount to all the things your real dad did but I hope you can still give me a chance. We will be visiting for Thanksgiving so bye for now kiddo. Love, Dave.

Kairi felt said because nothing would've happened if he just went with his mom. He missed her and Maiya so much. He didn't even know which friend Maiya was staying with so he had no way to reach her. He was alone. All alone.


𝑆𝑡𝑎𝑟𝑡𝑒𝑑 𝑊𝑖𝑡ℎ 𝐴 𝐺𝑎𝑚𝑒Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora