Chapter 2!

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I'm changing my writing style try not to be confused

Billy P.O.V

Me and Nora were playing laser tag in the living room. I know laser tag doesn't seem fun Nora seems to enjoy it so i don't mind it. I lied. I hate but i cant tell Nora she'd stuff a bow down my throat . Pheobe ran in to the room stopping the game. Thank god! 

"Did you guys hear 3 new families are moving into the street." Pheobe squealed

" Yeah  like 50 people came into Hiddenvile isn't this town supposed to be you know hidden?"Max groaned while walking into the room

"I know right they all came from swellview."Pheobe answered

"whats a swellview?" i asked

"It's a town genius" Pheobe scoffed

"Let me google it" stated Nora while we all gathered around

" Whose Captain man and Kid Danger" I asked

"I'm not sure click the video" Pheobe ordered 

" Woah that dudes fast...wait is that a force field" Max said amazed

" That guys so strong!" Nora exclaimed

"Stronger than me i think not" Dad ridiculed while walking in with mom

" He's indestructible" i told him

" And look he's moving to hiddenvile with kid danger and some other superheros in training" Nora shrieked"

" Wow thats great that means we dont have to do all the work and we can get more time for z-force training"Pheobe declared

" Oh i forgot to tell you guys we're having dinner with the new neighbours the Harts" Mom said

" What you meet them already" i asked 

" Yeah i was just over there they have a son about Pheobe and Max's age  and a girl about you and Nora's age they seem great" 

"Just make sure you don't use your powers" Dad warned

"Yeah yeah" we all said in unison

2 hours later

"Guys get ready" Mom shouted 

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"Guys get ready" Mom shouted 

We all sat at the table and mom and dad went to get the door. The family look like a picture perfect family the Tv type you know?

"Hi i'm Henry and this my sister Piper" he said as he pointed to his sister

"Take a sit these are my children Max , Pheobe, Billy, Nora and Chloe" My mom ushered

One hour passed and these kids were pretty cool. I mean even Max got along well with Henry and thats saying something. Piper and Nora had alot in common. Piper was a little...intense but it's nothing i cant deal with i live with Nora for heavens sake. But then Henry's and Piper's watches started to beep and they started acting...weird.

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