Chapter Three

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        "Me, Wade, your cousin!" "Who?" Trevor walked over and kicked open the door "Your cousin, Fuck! he's come to visit you, you rude fuck!, Now get up off the floor and fix me and my daughter a fucking drink!" Trevor yelled. "Wade, I heard you was off smoking meth somewhere" Floyd said softly. "No not somewhere, here, he's gonna smoke meth here, get me a fucking lighter." Trevor yelled again. "you can't smoke here." "Okay." "This is my girlfriend's place, She's at a business conference, You can smoke here and you can't stay here." Floyd implied. "Hey cousin, it's been a while." Wade said. "You got to go all of you! My girlfriend she'd kill me if she knew I had guests." Floyd said. "Not much of a girlfriend if she don't like your family, Now would you get me and my daughter a fucking drink?" Trevor said while sitting down, You sat down next to him and looked around. "Oh yeah, Okay," Floyd said walking away. "Wait I ain't got no-" Floyd said until Trevor got up and said. "Then you go out and fucking get me something, You go too. fuck." He said to Wade also.

"Y/N get some sleep we're gonna go see my old friend tomorrow." Trevor said. You nodded and got up and walked to a spare room, you closed and locked the door and kicked off your boots and took your flannel off. You sat on the bed and sighed "This was a long fricking day." You took your hair out of the ponytail and laid down then fell asleep.

You got up early the next morning, You looked around and you forgot to pack clothes so you put on on of Floyd's shirts. It was kind of big on you but you could care less, You unlocked the door and walked out the room. You saw Wade sleeping on the couch and you wondered where your dad was so you looked in Floyd's room and he was sleeping with Floyd. You slowly backed out of the room and walked to the kitchen, You checked to see if there was anything to eat, You looked in the fridge then the cabinet and found a loaf of bread, You got one piece and put it in the toaster oven, Wade woke up and looked at you. "Oh, hey Y/N." he said. You waved at him.He just got up and walked out the apartment.

Trevor walked out the room, he looked at you. "What are you wearing?" he asked. You looked down at the shirt and shrugged "Floyd's shirt I think." You said softly. "Well get ready we're going to Mikey's house today." he said. You nodded and your dad threw you one of his hoodies to wear. You walked into the bedroom and put the hoodie on, You found a pair of converse and put them on.

You walked back out into the living room area, Trevor was waiting for you, You threw your hair into a messy bun "I'm ready." you said. He nodded and got up and walked out and you followed. You both got into the truck, Trevor in the driver seat and you in the passenger seat. He started to drive. "So uncle Mikey, You two were really good friends?" you asked. "Don't call him uncle, and we weren't good friend we were best friends until he stabbed me in the back for all these years." he said. You nodded "Okay where does he live?" you asked. "Rockford Hills." Is all he said.

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