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Flashback December 31, 2019

"so what should i wear?" i say to alissa as i look through my closet while dramatically throwing clothes on the floor for no reason at all.
"something casual but sexy that's for sure" alissa said while eating the bag of chips that i literally just brought upstairs for myself.
"hmmm what about this?"
"that is ugl-" alissa said before she looks up. "AMAZING" she said while snatching it out my hands. "EVERYONE WILL BE ALL OVER YOU!" i take the dress from her and put it on. "how do you feel? alissa said. "i...feel... beautiful again🥺" i say while a tear rolls down my face. alissa stands up and wipes the tear off. "you are baby" she said while pushing my hair back.
"what about these? alissa i can't wear this..." i say while pointing down to my self harm marks, alex made me extremely insecure and that sent me on a mental spiral. "it's okay we can cover it with makeup" she says while running into my bathroom to grab some color corrector and spray foundation.

Me and alissa enter the house, i'm so excited to see nordan, he's the only reason i'm here.

ricky told us nordan was gonna walk through the door any second so we all got into position. "wait how is he gonna get in, someone unlock the door?" i say. alex runs over and unlocks the door. "i hear him i hear him" alex turns the light back off and gets back in his spot. the door slowly opens "3, 2, 1" i whisper. "WELCOME BACK NORDAN!" i run up to him and jump in his arms and he spins us in circles. "i missed you" i say while hugging nordan tight. "i missed you more wynnie." he said as he put me down and started giving everyone else hugs.

after nordan caught up with everyone we got the party started. the music was blasting but banks was forcing everyone to hold back on the drinks until 12. i started to get hot so i decided to go sit on the porch to cool down a bit. "banks i'm going outside!" i try and scream to him over the music in case he needs me but i don't think he heard

Nordans pov
"hey have you seen winter?" i asked teeqo. "i think she went outside, well someone who looked like her did." he said while dancing with some chick. "k thanks" i say as i head to the front door. i open the door to reveal wynnie sitting in the dark. something looks off

Winters pov
I was casually sitting on the porch when i heard the door open behind me, i turn around to see nordan "whatcha doing out here by yourself?" nordan said as he sat down next to me. "ya know it's kinda hot in there and my makeup is coming off." i saw nordan look at me up and down. "wynnie you look amazing tonight" he said. "thank you, you're the only reason i came. i haven't really spoken to anyone except for you ever since me and alex broke up it took a lot for me to come tonight." i say while staring at the moon. "i'm proud of you winter..." nordan said while grabbing one of my hands and also looking out to space.
"please don't hurt me. our friendship means too much to me, if we stopped being friends it would hurt my heart" i say while tightening my grip on his hand. i feel nordan looking at me, so i turn me head and look at him. we're staring into each others eyes while slowly moving towards eachother, inches apart, right before our lips connect the front door opens, "wooooaah sorry to interrupt but it's almost that time" lucas said before he closed the door back. i look at my phone, the time read 11:50.
"i guess we should be heading back inside" i say while standing up. nordan stands up also. "nordan can we take a picture?" i say while looking at the moonlight, perfect lighting. "of course" we and nordan take 3 selfies then head inside.

everyone's cameras were rolling. "EVERYONE GRAB A SHOT!" banks said, everyone grabbed a shot and we started the countdown.

January 1, 2020

Everyone took their shots and the party was just getting started. "this is gonna be the best year ever" i said while kissing nordan on the cheek. "NOW LETS DRINK!"

little did we know 2020 had something in store for all of us...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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