Chapter 3

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Eric pov
I was running around the park dragging Camerin along with me. I wanted her to have the best week ever with me before she left.
We crossed the street and I took her to her favorite restaurant.
"Aww Eric you didn't have to." She remarked.
"Hey I promised you the best week ever and I insist you get it." I reminded.
"Thank you." She said
We got to the front and a blonde girl was our waitress.
"Table for two please." I said.
"Right this way." She said leading us to a table.
"Here's your menu's." She offered, she nicely gave me mine, but threw the menu at Camerin's face.
"Oh sorry my hand slipped." She glared at Camerin.
I noticed tension between her and Cam.
"So what drink can I get you cute thang." She smiled twirling her hair with her fingers, she tilted her head slightly shooting Camerin a glare.
"Um...coke please." I ordered. And also realizing that this girl likes me.
"And you what do you want?" She asked Cam with her tone changing drastically into hatred.
"I'll have a lemonade." Camerin ordered.
"Of course you will." She said giving a fake smile. "Because your just a sour little loser." She mumbled while walking away.
"Ugh why did our waitress have to be so bitchy?" Camerin complained right after she left.
"I know and shes trying to get all up in me and its really disgusting." I added.
"Ugh she completely hates me! I have a feeling she spit in my drink." She theorized.
"Probably." I said.
"She's probably just jealous." Cam stated.
"Ya that im with my perfect best friend." I smiled.
She smiled back at me and queen bitch arrived with our drinks.
"Here you go." She said placing my drink on the table.
"And for you." She said sloppily placing down Camerin's drink, spilling some on her clothes. "Oops im sorry im just a little clumsy." She smirked acting like she didn't do anything.
"So." She said turning her head back to me smiling.
"What would you like to order?" She asked. I looked down on the menu and looked up.
"Can you give us a minute please?" I asked.
"Sure." She said walking away.
"Ugh." I said in disgust.
I looked at the menu and chose some lasagna.
The brat returned and sneered at Cam.
"So what would you like?" She asked, perking up her boobs which made me want to throw up.
"Um...I'll have the lasagna special..." I said unsure, because I was still blinded from the boob situation.
"And for you." She asked Camerin.
"I'll have the fettuccine Alfredo and instead of having your boobs on the side I'll have some garlic bread." She teased.
I couldn't contain my laughter of how Camerin handled the situation.
The bratty waitress gave her a dead look and a fake smile then walked away.
I burst out laughing and Camerin giggled.
"You are awesome." I praised.
"Thank you." She smiled.
We waited and the slut came with our food.
"For you." She said giving my food to me.
"And for you." She said handing her food to Camerin but she grabbed it herself.
"Dont worry I got it don't want you to fail at your own job again." She smiled.
The waitress walked away frowning at Cam.
We ate our food and was surely stuffed. The waitress came back with our bill, so I payed.
"Lets go." I offered.
"Wait." She said grabbing her money.
"Wai wha- your gonna tip the slutty bitch?" I asked.
"You'll see." She smirked.
She took a dollar bill and put it in her lemonade.
"But your drink." I pointer out.
"Its ok it was as bitter as she is anyway." She added.
I laughed at the comment and grabbed her hand. We walked hand in hand down the street. Lights were flickering and flashing, a slight warm breeze running up your back, it couldn't be more perfect. Until...
Cliffhanger😏 comment what you think will happen
Xoxo💕 Victoria(tori)

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