Take care of her

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I jolt awake the next day, trying to remember where I am. I sit up look around, slowly replaying the previous night in my head. Honestly, it was sort of a blur after Lindsey left. I didn't want to feel anything else.

The clock says 2:47. Did I really sleep that long? I must have. I wonder why Christine didn't wake me. Slowly, I pull myself from the safety of the bed and dress to head downstairs. Chris and Lindsey are sitting in the kitchen talking when I walk in, and he notices me immediately.

"Morning, sunshine," says Chris. Lindsey stares at me but doesn't say anything.

"What are you two working on?"

"Stevie, sit down," he says, pushing a chair out for me. I join them skeptically. This feels oddly like an ambush. "How are you?"

"I probably look about as good as I feel right now," I say honestly.

"Have you been to the doctor?"

"Why? So they can tell me to put ice on my face? I think I have that covered."

"Documentation. A record of your injuries would be good to have."

"For what? I'm not taking this to trial..."


"I said no. Please don't push me. I am not ready to have all of this in the open. I won't do it. It's bad enough that you know," I say, my voice already thick with emotion.

"We're just trying to help you."

"I know you are. But humiliating me is not going to make me any safer." They share a glance, which I choose to ignore. "Please don't ask me to relive all of this in public."

"You've got no reason to be humiliated," tries Christine. I make a dismissive noise and cross my arms over my chest, looking away as I force tears down.

"I had all your locks and security codes changed at the house. He shouldn't be able to get in," Lindsey says, his voice a little too matter of fact. I know he's trying to keep a safe distance from me, but he's having a hard time.

"He's not back yet?" I'm vaguely aware that I should be touched by what Lindsey has done, but I'm too distracted right now. I had assumed he'd come back for me by now. I'm genuinely surprised to find out he's still gone.

"He uh, he tried to come back this morning while Lindsey was over there," says Chris, looking to Lindsey uncomfortably.

"What happened?" I look at Lindsey, my brow furrowed.

"I made him leave," he says vaguely, shrugging. Before I can pry again, he changes the subject. "Here are your new keys," he says, handing me a key chain. It's a small white dreamcatcher, not unlike the ones I hang around my houses and hotel rooms. I know he picked it out for me and I smile to myself as I look at it, momentarily distracted. "I'll show you the new security codes when we get you back over there. But you're not going home yet."

I just nod, simultaneously annoyed that they're running my life for me and grateful that I finally have someone to take care of me. "Shouldn't you guys be in the studio today?"

"We decided to take a break," says Chris. "Seemed like as good a time as any."

"You didn't need to stop working because of me."

Lindsey explodes. "Will you fucking stop? Stop acting like this is some minor inconvenience that we should all sweep under the rug and forget about. You need help right now. This is a big fucking deal and now that the two of us are aware of whatever it is that has been going on, shit is going to change. I will not see your face like this ever again."

"I'm not your responsibility," I say, trying to ignore the emotion in his voice. This is really killing him.

"You don't fucking get it," he says, walking out of the kitchen.

Chris looks at me, covering her hand with mine. "We love you. Stop being so bloody bullheaded." With that, she stands and pours me some tea.

"Where did he go?"

"He's bringing your things to the car, I think. You're going to stay there tonight."

"With Lindsey? Why?"

"He insists that his place is safer. I think he just wants to keep an eye on you."

"I'm just fine right here."

"Go, love. Let him do this."

"What is he doing? That's what I don't understand, Chris. Why the hell does he care? He's wanted to murder me for a decade now. Now I'm a damsel in distress and he can just swoop in and try to make everything better?"

"Well, until you decide to call the police or anyone else regarding this matter, the two of us are what you've got. So you're going to have to live with it." I realize arguing is silly at this point, and I drink my tea in silence. Lindsey eventually comes back into the room and sits down with me.

"I'm sorry I yelled at you," he finally says.

"I know. I'm sorry, too."

"Do you want to stay here a little longer, or are you ready to head to my place? I'll cook dinner," he says, smiling slyly.

"You're cooking now?"

"I may have learned a couple things..."

"I guess I'm ready. I've certainly got nothing else to do."

"I have some things I need to do today anyway," says Chris, cleaning up around us. I stand up and say goodbye to Chris and hug her. Then she hugs Lindsey.

"Take care of her," she says to him, and I cringe a little. God I hate when I need to be taken care of.

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