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In the rural part of the country, there was a simple garden cafe that was overlooking the ocean.

Outside the bungalow there were several wooden tables, chairs, and benches for two and small groups. They even had an adequate parking space. While inside the house, it was cozy. The place has this homey feeling that could make anyone relax. The place wasn't crowded maybe because it was a bit far from the tourist spots. They had several flowering and ornamental plants on display in which some were actually for sale or you can make one yourself with the assistance of a florist.

It was what they had read on the website of Cooky's Cafe however when the two detectives reached the place it was all on the contrary.

"It's nothing but a rundown place." The older guy commented. Disappointment was clearly evident in his voice. He couldn't believe that the whole place was like tumbled upside down. "I even hoped that we would be able to eat some delicious meal here." He continued, pouting.

"That's why you should never believe whatever is written on the internet, hyung." Yoongi went out of the car. "Cozy my ass." He spat as he walked towards the entrance, hands in his pocket.

"Aish so many mosquitoes!" Jin whined like a child as he irritatedly swung his hands across his face. Yoongi was carefully inspecting the whole place and what caught his eyes was the damage was intentionally done.  "Hyung, I got a better idea." The small built guy said in a low voice, smirk grew wider.

According to the information they gathered, there are two more people they must meet. One is Park Jimin, 25 yrs old, male, a waiter. The last is V, 25 yrs old, a farmer. Yoongi, despite the limited information, used this to their advantage.

After a few moments, a friendly-looking guy emerged in front of them. He was wearing a white polo and black apron tied around his waist. A nametag on his left chest: Jimin. "Hi, good afternoon. Sorry, we are currently close." His voice was a bit hoarse and his eyes were puffy.

The two made quick eye contact and as if there was some kind of telepathy. Both of them knew what they should do and who should do what. "Are you okay? What happened to this place?" Teh eldest of the two detectives asked eyes wide with real bewilderment in his voice while the younger one scanned the place trying to find the mafia kid, subtly.

"Uh... that-that one... uh..." He started stuttering and playing with his tiny hands. He couldn't look directly on Yoongi's cat-like eyes. Yoongi knew that the kid was hiding something and he was determined to find out since they managed to infiltrate the place.

"We were attacked by a group of people. They might be thieves but we're not sure yet." The deep voice echoed and made them look for the source. When they whipped their heads to the main entrance, they saw a man in his early twenties with a serious facade. He was wearing a black polo and black pants and black slippers. "Are you the applicants for cook and florist posts?" He inquired as he cocked his head on the right.

"Boss, these two are-" Jimin was suddenly cut off. "Yes, we are." It was Jin who spoke. A mixture of confidence and professionalism laced in his tone. Heck! Hyung's not only a handsome fella but a great actor too. Yoongi thought hiding his sly smile.

"Okay, let's put your skills into test." Jungkoook said seriously. "Which is which?" Eyeing the two carefully with a raised eyebrow. "I'm the cook." Yoongi declared. A small smile appeared on the younger man's face. "I'm only giving you, two, an hour to finish. Once done, you can present it to me for evaluation."

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