Chapter 59

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Chapter 59

"Cook the hamburger meat until it's lightly brown. Add two cups hot water and a half-cup of milk. Add noodles and contents of flavor packet. Cover and simmer 15 minutes until sauce thickens."

Steve stared at the pot simmering on the stove. One of them had to cook supper. Between the two of them, perhaps they could pool their talents and come up with one good cook. He smiled. Who would have pegged him as a house-husband? Or at least as domestic as a hungry guy got who was running out of excuses to order takeout when the woman he worshipped insisted on cooking for him. He laughed and immediately regretted it. Ouch! He supposed he should be grateful he was healing, but darn! At least he'd like to laugh and not be doubled over in pain.

He glanced at the text message she'd sent earlier this afternoon.

'Met Jacquie for lunch. Going shopping after work. Be home late. Love … B.'

By shopping, he hoped she meant shopping for a wedding dress. They'd discussed having a proper reception so she could invite her family. But ever since he'd been injured, she'd been reluctant to discuss it. Her family had given a tepid response to their sudden marriage and her best friend had been hurt she hadn't called her first. Steve understood. These were different times than the ones he'd grown up in. But after Bernice had balked at having any kind of reception at all, he'd urged her to touch base with her best friend. Jacquie, he was certain, would talk her into making their marriage public with at least some type of family gathering. How could he win the trust of her family and friends, especially given how tight-lipped he needed to be about everything else about himself except for the fact he worshipped the ground she walked upon, unless they had a chance to get to know him?

His phone buzzed. Bernice? Yes. 'Hung up at the store. Be home as soon as I can. Love … B.'

Shopping! At least that much hadn't changed in the 67 years he'd been asleep. He was glad Bernice and Jacquie were mending their bridges. If she was going to weather his deployments, then she needed shoulders to lean upon for support. Lots of shoulders if he got banged up again the way he'd gotten banged up the past few weeks. For three years he'd crisscrossed Europe, leading raids against Red Skulls forces. He'd gotten more banged up the past three weeks than he had the entire three years he'd fought in World War II!

Rodriguez stuck his head in the door and wished him goodnight. It was after eight o'clock? Most stores were now closed. Steve glanced at his watch. Crime had decreased in this neighborhood since the Dominicans and the Azian Boyz had declared a truce. They now patrolled it for unwanted third parties instead of each other … for the most part … but it was still a long stretch from safe. He set the table and waited, debating whether to walk down to the subway station to meet her or stay here?

He pulled out his cell phone, painstakingly punching letters onto the tiny keypad with his too-large fingers. He hit the 'send' button.

'Where are you? Worried. Love … S.'

He waited.

'Sorry. Bought too much stuff. Took a cab. Dropping Jacquie off first. Love … B.'

Whew! A cab. They'd drop her right off at the front door. Neutral territory patrolled by both rival gangs, both who'd promised they'd watch out for her whenever he was away. Heaven help the poor slob who messed with his girl in their front yard!

His stomach growled. With a metabolism as fast as his came an ungodly appetite. It had been Hawkeye who'd introduced him to the decadent pleasure of Hamburger Helper. Real chef's turned their noses up at the boxed supper. But it had everything a hungry guy wanted. Meat. Starch. And Gravy. He needed to cook four of them, of course, just for himself. But all he had to do was open a can of peas and corn, amazingly tasty compared to the tasteless versions available in 1945, and he had a complete meal. Fool proof. Even for a guy. He'd made a small foray out to the neighborhood florist this afternoon to pick up some flowers. He arranged them a second time, then sat down to pick at the congealing supper.

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