Chapter 27

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Ash's POV

Clemont and I are taking a water break when Mallow joins us. "I couldn't help but notice that Paul's making all his most acrobatic plays right in front of Dawn," she mutters under her breath.

"Yeah," I grumble. "He sure is."

"Well, why do you care?" Clemont asks me. "You told us you're not going to ask Dawn out anymore!"

"I never stopped liking her," I explain. "There's just no point if I'm going to move."

"So you shouldn't worry about her anymore, right?" he reasons. Pretty poor reasoing if you ask me, but whatever.

"Uh, yeah I guess," I stammer. "I was just, you know, watching Paul do his thing. He's unbelievable."

Clemont nods. "He is a really good player. It might take him a while to fit in, but I think you were right. He'll help us win agains Viridian City. C'mon, let's get back out there!"

We trot back onto the field. Just as we're about to rejoin the practice, we hear a loud car horn. Everyone turns their heads towrds the street, where a car is parked. My mom's car. She never comes to pick me up. That either means their's good news or bad news. She climbs out the car and waves. She doesn't look very happy. That confirms which type of news that is. So it's official.

I pull my hat over my eyes. I don't want to hear her say it. I start walking in the opposite direction towards the woods.

"Ash!" Mom calls.

I don't answer. I just continue on into the woods.

Dawn's POV

I can't believe it. So it's official. I feel so bad for Ash. He has to say goodbye to all of his friends he's been around for so long.  Mrs. Ketchum confirmed the bad news to us shortly after Ash ran off. I wanted so bad to follow him as soon as he started to leave, to comfort him and help him try to find a bright side of all of this, but as I started to head after him, Brock held my shoulder and shook his head. I guess Brock thinks Ash needs some time alone.

We've been sitting as a group on the field for a while now, relatively quiet, with the occasional person trying to bring up some form of conversation. Ash still hasn't come back yet. His mom left, saying she had to go do something. So now it's just the team minus Ash. Sitting out here in the middle of the field, not doing anything about the situation.

I can't stand this anymore. I'm not going to just sit by while Ash drowns in his own sadness. I stand up and start to walk in the direction of where Ash went. 

Brock stands up and grabs my arm. "Dawn, where are you going?"

"To find Ash," I respond.

"Dawn, he needs some alone time right now. He has to leave where he's lived for his entire life, and that's a lot to take in all of the sudden."

"He's had enough alone time!" I yell. Brock's eyes widen at the sound of my raised voice. "He probably needs someone to comfort him. To tell him everything will be okay. I would know. I've been there before!"

I yank my arm from Brock's grip.

"I had my friend Zoey to comfort me when I left Sinnoh. If none of you are going to comfort him, then I'm going to do it myself."

I run off towards Ash before they have time to respond. I have no idea where he is, but that isn't going to stop me. I search the forest until finally I find the boy I've been searching for. Ash sits alone on the bank of a small river flowing through the forest. Wiping the tears from my eyes, I sit next to him.

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