Prologue (9 Years ago)

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Laura Silvo's favorite day was the day she met Han Solo, not that she had many great days to compare. Growing up a slave girl in the outer rim was far from fun, or easy. Bouncing around from different owners, Laura learned different skills in each job, and on each planet. Including  how to defend herself, through any means necessary, which sometimes meant to submit before the beating became too severe. It was easier to not fight and just hope the pain would end soon.

That's how she had met Han. Working on a scavenger planet collecting spare parts to be sold to travelers. She had just been returning from a full day out collecting, and she only had half a net of parts. She knew she would punished when she returned with so little. If only she had actually made it to her home. Instead she ended up trapped in an ally by some competing scrappers. Laura had already handed over her collected bounty, when the kicking and hitting began. She tried to escape, but after realizing she had a reached a dead end, she just curled up in ball trying to protect herself. 

"No good scrapper, can't even bring in a full load," one of her tormentors jeered at her.

"We're just helping thin the herd, weeding out the weak," another one laughed in response.

Laura was not stranger to the taunting, but she knew it was true. Her small size from years of malnutrition meant she could crawl into the small alcoves of wreckage to reach the better parts, but it also meant she couldn't carry as much, or travel as far.

"Well if your thinning the herd, I could blast you three and this planet would become a better place," called a cocky voice from the open end of the alley.

"Stay out of it, this isn't your business," the third attacker stated, after placing a solid kick on Laura's abdomen. 

Laura took the chance to look up, and noticed two large figures blocking the alley.  She also noticed her attackers looking at the new people. Taking advantage of the distraction, she stretched out and swung her leg at her attacker, hooking her foot behind them pulling them down. Next diving and somersaulting under the arm of another. Kicking out the knee of the second attacker before they turned around, Laura quickly stood and spun to face her last attacker. The quick movements however jostled her new bruises, and she collapsed down to her knees. 

Han and Chewie looked on in awe as this tiny human child took out two of her three attackers in the blink of an eye. When Laura fell down, Han and Chewie moved forward in sync, without even a glance at the other. Hans hand reached out and grabbed the last attackers fist before it fell on the young girls body again.

"No need to get so bent out of shape for losing to girl, buddy," Han said, smirking at the kid. "I think its best you and friends leave before you lose a fight to me and my furry friend here," he continued, pushing the kid back with the grip on his wrist.

"Ya, well, she's not even worth the trouble, anyways we were just having some fun. Right brat? Alright guys, lets get out of here," with his two friends picking each other up off the ground, the three of them skulked out of the alley. 

Han watched them leave, before he and Chewie turned to Laura, who was already struggling to her feet. "Easy kid, looks like you took quite the beating. Names Han, this is Chewie," Han kept talking to the girl as she started to walk down the alley, using the wall for support.

"Not that I needed the help, but thank for the save anyways. Hope you don't need anything to pay the debt. I got nothing," Laura says, as she reached the end of the alley, turning to face the two, "bye."

As soon as Laura let go of the wall to keep walking, she fell to her knee once more, clutching at her ribs. 

"Ya, sure kids, something tells me your not going to get much work done in that state," Han says with a chuckle.

Chewie lets out a series of growls and to Hans amazement, Laura answers him, "Ya good luck with that big guy, but I don't need anything," ignoring the surprised looks, Laura again tries to stand, before groaning in pain and looking at the other two, who where still watching her intently. "What, going to try to rob me or something? Well new flash, nothing for you take," despite the harshness in her words, Laura's eyes still filled with fear at what her potential attackers might do.

"Alright, sure your fine, or you could have some common sense, and listen to my friend here. Just let us help you get home, where some one can take care of you," Han looks to the girl waiting for a reaction to his words, and finds himself concerned when she flinched at the idea of going home. 

"I'm not going home, I'm going to work," as if that ended the argument, Laura gave one more attempt to stand, and glanced at Han and Chewie triumphantly when she was successful. "Now, as you can see, I am fine, goodbye." 

Han pauses for a moment, watching her stumble away before speaking up, "Or you could come with us," Han says, as Laura freezes, listening his offer. "We get you fixed up, fix up our ship, and we all get off this planet, what do you say kid?"

Laura pauses for a moment before, slowly turning, a hand still clutching her her ribs, "My names Laura, not Kid." Laura takes another pause, watching their faces. "Alright, where's your ship?" she finally relents, sticking out her other hand to shake his.

"I have a pretty good feeling about this," Han shakes her hand with a grin. "Come on Chewie, pick her up, were headed to the ship."

So Han walked away, with Laura pouting in Chewie's arms as she vehemently states she could walk on her own.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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