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JY: Pssstttt....(to JH)

JH: (no response)

JY: Psssstttt.....

JH: (no response again)

JY: (made a crumpled paper then threw to JH)

JH: WHAT THE--! WHY ARE YOU DISTURBING ME??(annoyed voice) (glaring at JY)

Teacher: Are you okay, Ms. Park? We're having an exam here.

JH: I'm sorry, ma'am.( looks back at JY who acts innocent)

JY: I really love teasing her (she thought)

***After class***

(When JY got out of their room, JH ran to her and quickly slapped her shoulder then quickly ran to the cafeteria where NY and SN are waiting)


JY: You want war, huh? Then I'll give you one.(smirking)

•My One and Only• (JeongHyo)Where stories live. Discover now