Chapter 2

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"Welby!" Zodiac shrieked in warning.

The young hobbit ducked out of the way of the first goblins attack, only to be smacked upside the head by another goblin's hammer. Urzoth didn't hesitate; she unhooked her iron javelin from her belt and sent it flying through the air. It met it's target, puncturing the goblin with the hammer square in his shoulder. The vile creatures then took notice of the unlikely party. Half the goblins went charging at them while the other two continued to harass Welby.

Urzoth charged into battle, drawing Kili's sword and slicing at the sides of the approaching goblins as they ran past. She didn't, however, partake in a battle with them. She figured Adrik and Zodiac could handle those two. She needed to go help Welby. The hobbit had recovered from his hammer to the head, but the very goblin who had done it had cast aside Urzoth's javelin and was preparing to smack him again. Urzoth wasn't gonna let that happen. As soon as she was close enough, she jumped into the air and drove her sword into the goblin's back. He let out an ear shattering shriek before it managed to shake her off. Her sword was still buried in it's back. With a huff of annoyance, she pulled out her daggers and charged at the beast again. This time it managed to dodge her attack and smacked her in the back with it's hammer. She went flying to the ground, but didn't hesitate to get back up. This time, the goblin charged her. She dodged it's hammer, slicing at it's stomach in the process. She rounded on the goblin, wrapped her arms around its neck to hold it in place and slit it's throat. The goblin fell to the ground, dead, and she removed her sword from it's back.

Zodiac and Adrik had managed to kill their goblins, but Welby was still struggling to end his. The young hobbit continuously did flips and tricks, so as to dodge the goblin's attacks, but he never landed a blow of his own. Having observed monks before, Urzoth understands that this is simply their style: dance around and tire out their opponents before ending them skillfully. Urzoth, however, didn't have the time or patience for this. She took out one of her daggers and swiped at the goblin, embedding it deep in its skull. It collapsed to the ground, dead.

"I had that!" Welby panted in protest.

"You were taking too long," Urzoth replied shortly. The hobbit crossed his arms and began grumbling curses at her.

"Those goblins must've been waiting for us," Zodiac says.

"I think you're right," Adrik agrees, "They must have Gundren and Sildar somewhere."

Zodiac walks closer to the dead horses. She squats down and shuffles through the broken remains of the supplies they carried. Her eyes fall onto a leather map case, something she had not noticed before. Curious, she picks it up and inspects it, only to find it empty. She sets it back down before something else catches her eye. The deep red shine of blood trails into the forest, close to where the goblins appeared. She stands up and follows it, finding that amongst the thick underbrush is a worn dirt path covered in blood.

"Where are you going?" Urzoth growls.

"There's a path," she replies wondrously.

"A path?" Welby repeats, curiously.

"Into the woods. There's blood. I bet it leads to where they're keeping Gundren and Sildar," the elf explains.

"What are we waiting for? Let's follow it!" Adrik announces, Dwarvish excitement for adventure and battle getting the best of him.

"No," Urzoth bursts before any of them can move.

"Why not?" Zodiac challenges, rounding on the orc in anger.

"Our mission is to get the supplies to Phandelin," she replies coolly.

"Correction! Our mission was to get the supplies to Phandelin. You just tagged along. Besides, the mission would be pointless if the person who gave it to us is dead!" the elf argues.

Vixen of the North (Sequel to Daughter if Azog)Where stories live. Discover now