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"Honk Honk!! Nnnn how are you?!"

"Fuhuhuhuhuhuh!! Ohoh! I think I know who did ittttttt-!"

"Ohohoh- you needa be cheered up? C'mon by my dorm tonight fuhuhuh!"






Fav Food-
Strawberry Ice cream.

Fav drink-
Apple Juice.



Kota is an interesting character. He's rather sweet and bubbily, and often funny. He makes jokes about situations he probably... shouldn't be joking about. He's a bit overdramatic and overbearing at times, but in an endearing way. He can butt into conversations with a rather stupid joke or honking his horn, yet, he always tries to cheer people up in the end. He lives to please people and often lets others step all over him, despite finding himself getting hurt over and over by people's inconsiderate nature. The teen is extremely emotional and will cry when something bad happens. He's a bit anxious and paranoid as well. He's incredibly good with children and happens to be able to calm people down like an expert. He's cheerful and a huge hype man for his friends, and will pretty much do anything for the people he cares about. Being the ultimate clown means that he has to be funny- so even outside of his gigs he finds himself attempting to make people laugh wherever he may go.

Kota was born into a middle class family with two siblings- a younger sister and an older sister. He grew up doing quite a bit of feminine things due to the two girls- and would paint his nails and occasionally get his makeup done. Of course, once he officially started public school when he was eleven, the bullying started. The young teen was bullied relentlessly for years, and that's what inspired him to start well- dressing up as a clown and starting on his entertainment business. He wanted to make kids smile, because when he was younger he had to deal with so much bullying and being shoved around by people. He just wanted to make people laugh and smile like he wished he could have when he was younger.


Kota has soft looking and rather long black hair- that he more often than not hides under one of the many rainbow wigs he wears for gigs. It's curly and bouncy, and whenever he doesn't pin it back, it falls into his eyes in an obnoxious way.

Skin tone-
He's extremely pale, even outside of his makeup, his skin is nearly paper white in a way. It has almost a doll like quality to it.

His eyes are a warm hazel color, and his eye shape is wide and feminine, his long eyelashes giving him a bit of a girly and innocent look.

He has thin and narrow lips, that are often pulled back into a sweet smile that shows off his dimples and teeth.

Face shape/body type-
His face is very circular and soft, almost balloon shaped- on the other hand his body is a bit skinny, and he stands at 4'10.

Outside of his clown outfits- Kota wears a grey, long and sweeping cardigan over a black turtle neck that's tucked into high waisted mom jeans. He also always wears a pair of circular sunglasses, and a little golden locket around his neck.

Love interest-
Kaito Momota or Rantaro Amami.

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