𝙴𝚗𝚝𝚛𝚢 𝟶𝟸

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May 23rd, 2020

I remember the next day Alvaro asked me if I wanted to go out and take my mind off things. Alvaro has always been a good friend and will forever be one because he knows just the right things to say. Plus he's always there.

I went to school with him that day and it was during our class that we had before lunch when I noticed...

"She keeps looking at me with her ugly ass, crusty ass lips." Alvaro put his head down as he snickered.

"Don't say that! You'll make Mattia freak!" Alvaro stopped and looked me in the eye as a sign of, "my bad" which only made me start laughing for some reason.

"Not my fault she looks like my left toe."

"So are you saying you're left toe has fungus and looks crusty?" I knew what we were doing was bad but that didn't stop me from hating on Jenna. She deserved it for what she did. Plus this made me feel better in some way even though it was a fucked up way but who cares.

Alvaro noticed too but he just rolled with it. I knew that he didn't want me sad anymore than I was. Or more than I was gonna be.

We laughed, tried to keep them muffled and quiet but that only made us laugh louder. We started ripping tiny pieces of paper from our notebooks, crumbled them into small paper balls, and threw them at each other. I threw a paper ball in Alvaro's mouth by accident which made him scream. We instantly ducked down trying to not grab the teachers attention. Unfortunately, of course she noticed.

"Alvaro, Kairi, would you like to explain what's so funny?" We slowly rouse our heads up, looked at each, then looked back at the teacher with wide grins on our face—small snickers that forced their way out of our mouths.

"Well?" We abided and stood up, walking slowly to the front of the room.

"W-well um.." I started. Alvaro snickered and slightly nudged me as a sign to go on.

"S-so we were t-talking and then—paper—" I turned my head, my eyes closed, hand over my mouth, and tried my best to stop my laughing. Alvaro let out a croak which made me gasp for air and start coughing while laughs little by little came out.

"H-h-he threw the paper—-my mouth—then I s-spit it, oh my god." Soon Alvaro started cackling as I started to laugh loudly too. I grabbed his back as he went down on his knees to the floor taking me with him. Soon half of the class was laughing too by our abrupt behavior. My eyes were blurry from hot tears that were forming in my eyes. My eyes flickered from Alvaro to a figure in the front row by the window of the classroom. (You know how you're looking at something then something catches your eye and you look at it for a second then back to what you're looking at then back at it again realizing what you were looking at? If that made mf sense 💀)


Everything around me was nothing now and all my attention was focused on him. I saw him put his hand over his face to cover his smile but failed to do so. He let out a chuckle as he looked back up to the front of the room noticing that I was looking at him. I watched his smile fade and quickly looked away from him—now tuning in to what the teacher was saying.

"Unexceptionable. I do not want to put up with this kind of behavior in my classroom again, so don't let it happen. You may be seated now." Me and Alvaro quickly apologized then rushed back to our seats.

"Since when does Mattia sit in the front row?"

"Since forever?"

"Oh my gosh, he saw me looking at him. What do I do?"

"First stop staring. Because right now you're eyes keep on trailing off to his seat, and now just keep your cool. Show him who's boss, you know?" I nodded. Alvaro was right. I couldn't let Mattia keep seeing my weak side. So I have to stop this.

I tried my hardest to pay attention in class, but I couldn't stop looking at Mattia.

He was smiling. Even though Alvaro was up there, he had to be smiling because of me too right? Right...?

I didn't know how I should be thinking, so I just watched him. His movements, the way he cupped his face with his hands as a sign of boredom. I didn't know how to think at all. What did that mean? Was I just overthinking things? Did he just see us as being funny and his attention wasn't focused on just me?

Yes. Yes it was.

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