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Ava: What's this?

Jordan: Let's go see what the poster says obviously!

Ava: Okay.

Jordan: It says..
"Come to prom! Go with your friends! Go with your significant other! Go with anybody you'd like. Prom will be in the gym at 5pm April 24th."

Ava: Wow okay.
So are you gonna go?

Jordan: Ehh, probably not. I mean prom isn't really interesting to me as I dont like dances either.

Ava: But this will be your only chance to go to prom in your whole life! We're seniors and we're gonna graduate soon! Come on, please?

Jordan: I don't know, stuff like dances aren't my thing but then again, you are right. I should go as it'll be my only chance to go to prom.

Ava: So are you going?!?!

Jordan: Suree fine.

Ava: YAY! Come on, let's go shop for some dresses!

Jordan: You know I hate dresses a whole lot. That's one reason why I don't like dances, because you have to dress up.

Ava: I don't care you're coming.

Jordan: hHHh fInEE.

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