Tess Stannous - Epilogue

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Business was booming: Aramys handled light weapons and armour, Jenna serviced custom requests, Tess experimented with firearms and Gearfang had become well-known around town as the wandering mechanical gator happy to convey would-be clients to the Stannous-Liadon house in return for a scale polishing. Today, Gearfang relaxed in a sunbeam in the backyard workshop while Tess aimed her musket at a target 200 feet away. A shot rent the air and hit slightly off-centre, and she closely inspected the musket's barrel. In the house, Jenna hammered away upstairs while Aramys took a break for tea in the den. A knock sounded at the door.

The wood elves in the village were generally an accepting sort, but Drow were another matter altogether. Aramys opened the door to see two male Drow, covered head-to-toe in dark robes. One carried an elaborate staff and stood with an austere and dignified manner, while the other wore bright colours under his robes, carried no staff, continually looked over his shoulder and seemed slightly drunk.

"Can I help you?" Aramys asked tensely.

"We mean no threat, miss." Gromph assured.

With a slight slur, Jarlaxle added "Is Tess here? Tell her Jarlaxle and Gromph have a request!"

Aramys tugged a string on the wall. Running the length of the house, it rang a bell upstairs and Jenna came down with a loaded crossbow in hand. Jenna watched the Drow carefully while Aramys walked tensely to the backyard.

Nervously, Jarlaxle remarked "You know, that is a very familiar crossbow. See, it's got this special mount for her stubby little . . ."

"Shut up" Gromph insisted under his breath.

Both breathed a sigh of relief as Tess rounded the corner and reassured "It's all right, Mom. They're friends. Uh . . . is everything all right?"

Jenna stood down, returned the crossbow to Tess and found some dishes to clean in the kitchen while conveniently listening in. Aramys joined her, and both smiled as Gromph delivered the good news.

"The demon lords have all been returned to the Abyss and the portal is sealed" Gromph stated matter-of-factly.

"Thank goodness! But, um . . ." Tess trailed off. It was odd they would come in person when a scroll would do.

With repressed sadness, Jarlaxle admitted "Matron Mother Quenthel was killed, Menzoberranzan has fallen into anarchy and House Baenre is losing its hold. We would like to commission a large order of firearms and could think of no better place."

Tess gave a questioning look to Aramys, who nodded and beckoned both Drow towards the den.

Throughout the morning, Jenna and Aramys stayed fairly close to the den but generally kept their distance as Tess chatted with Gromph and Jarlaxle. They told of how it had been Lolth's scheme all along to evict the demon lords and claim the Abyss for herself, how the party had defeated Lolth, Taliah's tragic death and Baien's determination to get her revived somehow. While Tess couldn't quite fathom why Kallista would choose the Abyss, it didn't surprise her in the least that Markas had killed Quenthel and gone on to build a criminal empire in Luskan. Gromph did most of the talking while Jarlaxle made short work of the house's sangria and occasionally jotted notes on a scroll with a mischievous look in his eyes. Tess and Gromph were just discussing the possibility of magical repeating-shot muskets infused with Drow poison when Jarlaxle interjected "You wouldn't happen to have stronger wine, would you?"

"I don't think so. We still have tea, I think" Tess guessed.

Annoyed, Jarlaxle returned to his writing while Tess offered "We can try some shots in the back if you're interested."

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