Chapter 1

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   Lilith, a happy and blonde baby, was walking with her mother on a summer afternoon.
    She smiles as Aero pokes her nose. "Mommy? Can I ask you something?"
    "Sure my honeybee!" She squeezed her palm tighter to make sure the little child doesn't run off to where she is not supposed to. Her small palms sometimes slip away to go play with Faust or any other small creature that comes and plays with her.

   "Mommy, I wanna know! Where do babies come from?" Lilith gaped front teeth shone and showed when her smile creeps on her face, "do they come from rainbow and love?"

    "...Not now darling- you are way to young to know.." Aero pressed a hurtful kiss on her daughter's forehead. "Why not?" The girls smile released and fell into a frown.

   Aero's eyes froze when she felt her daughter's curiosity creep up her veins..."Are you sure you want to know?"


   Aero's eyes burned bright with the red passion of anger..."Really, they come from boys who like to sit on their ass, and girls who want to grow up to fast" Her anger made her grip the babies hand so tight...that when she cried in pain, it bled. "They come from screaming fighting, makeup sex"

   Aero's face melted from anger to confusion to the pure saddness..." They come from little girls like yourself."

  She cautiously ked her back into the castle. "Lucio! Your daughter needs a bandaid..."

  Lucio grunts, "I'm busy!" He then giggles and picks his baby up, "But I can always make my princess feel better with daddy's favorite arm!"

  Aero put up her mask to hide her burning feeling...she looked behind her as if Asra was standing behind her. She just stood in disappointment. She turns around and walks off to follow her husband.

------0Time Skip0-----

   Lucio is putting his child to bed. "Tomorrow, it is just us my little princess! Your mother has an important job to do with someone. So we can play all day, you and I!"

  "Alright daddy, but daddy? Where do little babies come from?"

  "Woah, woah baby. You're not old enough. You are only seven!" but he said, "They come from sky"

  "Why?" Little lilith tilted her head in confusion. She was going to get an explanation from her daddy. One that she liked!

  "Tomorrow doll. I will explain tomorrow"



-----0Lucio and Aero0----

  "My love, you look confused." Lucio said after he put his curly cue baby to bed. He joins Aero by her side, and grabs her by the waist.

   A small jump, and a 'no' to give him a satisfied answer. That's what she did to prevent a fight. Lucio kisses her cheek.

   "Shall we go to sleep?" He took her hand, and led her to their lavish room filled with gems and jewels. A golden box filled with proper lady outfits. An emerald box that held sex outfits, toys, and many other adultish fun. She put on her night gown.

  Lucio presses light kisses on her neck, and many more on her cheek. "Is everything alright for sure, my love?"

Aero nodded as she touched a scar that wrapped around her neck when she went to far with magic and bed play.

  Lucio wasn't in the mood to pick a fight, so he undressed until he was in his pajamas. He grabs Aero's hand softly and pulls her to the bed to lay down and rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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