See I'm smiling

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Based on the song See I'm Smiling from Five years later. All lyrics are in bold italics to make it easier to see

I guess I can't believe you really came

And that we're sitting on this pier

See, I'm smiling

That means I'm happy that you're here

After the date Ianto had this glow about him, he was smiling, that was a rare occurrence but when he smiled it did something to Jack. He felt safe and felt like he had worked his way into Iantos heart and started to expose the soft side of his future partner if everything went well. Which it did. The dinner they had in the restaurant was different to anything they had done before other than actually being outside of the hub it seemed a lot more domestic in a way. Amongst other couples unashamed of showing affection, nobody paid attention to them so the night went well and they could hold hands, drink wine and eat together. Now as the night was drawing to a close Jack and Ianto held each other's hands as their legs dangled over the edge of the pier of the Torchwood tourist information entrance.It was just them smiling like school girls, Iantos head on Jacks shoulder as they stared out into the sea.

I stole this sweater from the costume shop

It makes me look like Daisy Mae

See, we're laughing

I think we're gonna be okay

Ianto looked at Jack and laughed a little, he wasn't wearing his usual shirt,tie and waistcoat; no he was wearing a sweater, jeans and a white collared shirt. Jack didn't seem to mind at all after all he would love Ianto no matter what. "I borrowed this sweater it makes me look ridiculous" Ianto laughed as he confessed to Jack that the sweater wasn't his but a friends because he decided to wear something more casual to the date because he thought he needed to blend in more.Jack shook his head "No you look handsome as always Jones, Ianto Jones" he smiled and laughed a little rubbing his thumb across Ianto's knuckles "I think we're gonna be ok, as long as we have each other"

I mean, we'll have to try a little harder

And bend things to and fro

To make this love as special

As it was five years ago

I mean, you made it to Ohio!

Who knows where else we can go?

With Torchwood being not only work but a lifestyle it was hard to maintain a relationship for Ianto let alone one with his boss. But they managed everyday they managed, sometimes they had to bend the rules and sometimes there were boundaries they had to abide by. They never really kissed in front of the team just to respect work boundaries but they kissed many times when they were alone...among showing each other other forms of affection.Ianto had been part of the Torchwood Cardiff team for 5 years now and he couldn't be happier, he had grown as a person thanks to the opportunities he was given. When Jack left to travel with the doctor he didn't know where he went, the man in red suspenders and a military coat could have gone anywhere...Anywhere whilst he was stuck in Cardiff. But now they were back together nothing else mattered after all they were planning a future together.

I think you're really gonna like this show

I'm pretty sure it doesn't suck

See, you're laughing, and I'm smiling

By a river in Ohio

And you're mine

A bunch of Janto one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now