1. Bad Boy Trapped Me

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"Get the fuck off of me," Jake barked.

"Oh ss...sorry Jake," I stammered and got up.

"What are you trying to do? Crush me to death?" he stayed and straightened his shirt.

"I'm trying not to be late to class, so bye!" I waved and tried to leave, but he grabbed my arm.

"Not so fast. Aren't you Liliana Brown's sister?" he asked.

"Yeah, so?" I asked. Yes, Jake, we met like ten thousand times before. But go ahead and act like you had no idea who I was.

"So...I need you to do me a favor," he said and smirked.

"Can this wait? I'm already late," I said desperately.

"Fine, you can go. Meet me out back after school, by the fence?" he said.

"Sure, bye bye now!" I ran off and sighed in relief to finally get out of his grasp. He scares me.

After school, I debated whether I should go see him or not. What could he possibly want from me?

I decided to go. I stood by the fence and waited.

"Hey," I turned around as I heard his voice.

"Well, I'm here, now what?" I let a nervous laugh.

"You know I've been in love with Liliana for two years, right?" he asked.

"More or less," I said.

"Well, I've been trying to get her to go out with me, but she just acts like I don't exist," his eyes turned dark.

Welcome to my world, buddy, I thought.

"Well, she is not into the bad boy type," I said.

"That's too bad because she is going to be mine," he insisted.

"Whatever you say," I scoffed. "What do you want me to do about it?" I asked.

"Help me convince her. Maybe you can tell me more about her, so I know how to impress her?" he suggested.

"Not a chance, buddy. Forget it," I said and tried to leave, but he grabbed me and pushed me against the fence.

"I don't think so. You are going to help me whether you want to or not," he demanded.

"Jesus! What is wrong with you? She is not interested. You are not her type, don't you get that?" I yelled.

"Listen...whatever your name is! If you don't help me, I'll make sure to make your life miserable in this school. So go homes and think very carefully before rejecting me, got it?" he said.

His dark eyes bored into my eyes. I felt a chill. This guy wasn't joking around and is possibly dangerous. Maybe I can convince Liliana to go on one date at least.

"Okay fine, just let me go. I'll see what I can do. And my name is Jane, you prick!" I frowned.

He let go of me and exhaled.

"Sorry I lost my cool. It's hard for me to control my anger sometimes," he sighed.

Jake? Apologizing? The world must be coming to an end.

"Well, you should try harder," I said and ran off.

I don't know how I'm supposed to convince Liliana to date this jerk. It's not like we are super close. I honestly don't even like her. She had always been preoccupied with her own world to pay any real attention to me. As a big sister, she was supposed to protect me, be my friend, but all she did was ignore me. Not once did she try to help me with my insecurities. Maybe Jake and she deserve each other.

I knocked on Liliana's door later that night.

"Come in," she yelled.

"Hey Lili, can I talk to you for a second?" I asked.

"What's up, Jane?" she asked.

"Well...um...I was just wondering, what do you think about Jake Morris?"

"Who?" she asked.

"You know who, Jake! Tall, muscular, dark brown eyes, kind of scary?" I described him.

"What do I think of him? He is the biggest bully on the planet, and his bad-boy act is infuriating," she declared. "Why are you asking about him?"

"Well....he told me he really really likes you and would like to go out with you," I said.

She squinted her eyes at me. "Since when are you friends with Jake Morris?"

"I am not! I just want to help my fellow classmate," I offered.

"Jake is a senior. You are a junior. He is not in your classes. What is going on, Jane?" she inquired.

"Okay fine, I'll tell you. He threatened me, okay! He said I have to convince you or else..."

"Or else what?" she asked.

"I don't know! And I don't want to find out. So please, just go out with the guy," I pleaded.

"What? No way!" she said.

"Come on, Lily, please do this for me! What if he actually hurt me?" I said.

"Forget it. I'm not giving in. He is totally not my type, and I'm not going out with some loser just because you are scared of him. Now get out of my room," she said and pushed me out of the room.

Ugh...why does she have to be such a bitch to me? My life was hard enough, but now I have to deal with Jake because of her.

I can never count on her, not even once. But I knew Jake wasn't going to let me off the hook that easily.

I remembered in seventh grade. Jake asked Matt Miller to do his homework. Normally Matt did what he was told since Jake beat him up if he didn't. But the day before, poor Matt came down with flu and didn't show up at school with Jake's homework.

Do you think Jake accepted that excuse? Hell no. He waited until the right opportunity for revenge.

There was an annual science project, and Matt was looking forward to it. His project was well thought and detailed. On the day before the project was due, Jake sneaked into the classroom and stole it, then burned it on the baseball field. All of Matt's hard work was gone in seconds. Then the next day, he left a note on Matt's locker to let him know whose handiwork it was.

The whole school knew about it, but Jake got away with a measly two days of detention. It was as if the principal had no desire to defend the bullied. God, I really hated him since then.

That was just one of many horrible things he did to people. Now I have to help him? I'd rather drown him in a tub of holy water.

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