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if i told you i loved you, would you believe me?

if i told you i loved you, would you believe me?

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[flashback, a/n pov]

The day that San stormed off he jumped inside of his car and drove off into somewhere he doesn't know.

He parked his car in the cliff side and got out of his car to only see Jowon there. The fear in his heart increased.

"When did he got bailed out? Who bailed him out?" San asked to himself as he hopped out of the car. Jowon smiled at him.

"Didn't know we'd meet here, of all places" Jowon said and gave his brother a hug. San just stood there as his brother embraced him.

"H-How'd you get out of jail?" San asked frankly, stilled by the fact that his own brother who almost murdered him and Wooyoung is standing in front of him.

"Our aunt bailed me out, I wanted to start a new life after all those years behind the bars" he said. San still doesn't believe him.

"Now listen Jowon, we don't have any contact over any of our relatives–" then three other men came up and handled him.

Jowon inched in closer to him and pointed the gun on his throat.

"Speak one more time and you're dead, you little rat" he said and smiled at San.

He did his best to get away. As soon as he removed the cuffs he ran off but Jowon quickly shot him behind his leg.

"WHERE ARE YOU OFF TO HUH?" Jowon immediately sprinted towards him but San did the thing to save him from more danger.

He jumped off the cliff. Good thing the raging water is the only thing to save him. He was unconscious for a while until someone found him.

It was Elisse Kim. His long lost aunt who was in a vacation taking pictures for an instagram post.

She immediately swam to save up the poor boy from drowning.

"Wait– CHOI SAN?" she uttered in disbelief upon seeing him. She immediately tried to revive him and good things she did.

They drove off to the nearest hospital and when San became conscious he helped the police track down Jowon.

Apparently Jowon escaped prison and was causing more and more trouble throughout Seoul just to find him.

"Thanks for saving me, whoever you are" San smiled at the young lady. She laughed and pet San's hair.

"It's me dummy, Aunt Elisse" the lady said and smiled. San scrunched his forehead and blinked to see her clearly.

"Elisse Kim, your father's youngest adopted sibling, I know I look youthful for the age of 38 but–" San immediately hugged her.

A few weeks after the death of his mom and dad, he decided to clean up the house and saw a letter that wasn't sent to her.

It talks about giving quarter of the Choi clan riches to her name. San kept looking for her everywhere and now he found her.

"You can stay with me for the next year that you'd need to rest and heal" she offered. San immediately said yes and went to sign the papers to let him out.

Her aunt was set off to marry this beautiful young man named Jung Hoseok next year so he just suggested some tips.

The rest of the year was a big break to San. He started healing from the injured left rib cage and as well as him keeping up with all of the other relatives.

He totally forgot about Wooyoung, until that one night.

It was December 24th 2029.

"Hey San are you okay?" Elisse said as he saw San suddenly burst out crying. San just knelt down as he cried himself.

"I-I left him h-hanging I-" he said. They spent the whole Christmas Eve crying over the things they regret.

The next morning he didn't felt himself. All he felt was emptiness.

San fell into depression and Elisse had to cancel the whole wedding just to help his nephew recover.

It was weeks. Months. Until San could finally be himself again. He started to become more energized, he got himself out of the hole of pity.

Then Elisse planned the wedding and even had San help him pick out the wedding rings for the big day.

And as if the universe tried to play with his feelings, and he saw Wooyoung there.

He wanted to tell him everything. Wooyoung clearly got broken hearted over that and he doesn't want to see San anymore.

But San was determined to see him again and tell him he is the only one he truly loves.


It's all a big misunderstanding.

Will he believe in me?

I parked the car outside the Jung household and held my breathe in tight.

I can feel my heart pounding out of the rib cage. My hands starts to sweat as I reached out to ring the bell.

Here goes nothing.

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