Chapter 1 (continued)

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Dean was in algebra 2, barely paying attention. His dad and Sam were on a hunt and decided not to take him. Dean didn't like not being there because he didn't know what John would do to Sammy. If that bastard ever did anything to his brother... His thoughts were interrupted by the door swinging open. Dean say in the way back of the room but everyone in the school knows that about half of the doors in this fucking school were about as loud as a freight train crashing.
Dean looked up and saw that it was a new kid. Dean couldn't really see what he was wearing because the new kid had on a trenchcoat. His hair was black and his eyes were blue. Even from this far away, Dean could see those piercing blue eyes.
"Everyone this is Castiel Novak. Please make him feel as comfortable as possible in our school" Mrs. V said.
Castiel looked around quickly to see only one seat was open in the very back of the room. He went and took the seat which was next to Dean. Dean looked over when he took his seat. Dean couldn't find words to explain him. He tried to his mind on other things but all that he could think about was the new kid and his eyes. His eyes weren't the only intriguing thing about him. His face was so amazing and his facial hair covered it perfectly.
"What page are we on?" He heard a deep raspy voice ask. Dean looked over and Castiel was staring at him waiting for the answer. This was the first time Dean got nervous talking to someone.

After class Castiel was walking back to his apartment he shared with Anna. It wasn't too far from campus and Cas enjoyed the walk by himself. He thought about the boy he say next to in the class with numbers. He couldn't remember what it was called or why humans learned. He wasn't sure why humans learned anything they did. Cas had already decided it was his favorite class because of the pretty boy in the back. He didn't know his name. Castiel was busy thinking when he heard footsteps behind him. He turned to see who was coming but a bag was out over his head before he could see their faces. He smelt sulfur and immediately knew it was demons.
"You don't want to do this." Cas warned them as they dragged him to an unknown location.
"Oh yes we do. We know exactly what you are and boy, do we have plans for you." One of the demons said to him
Castiel just kept walking with them because he knew if he killed them in the middle of the city his identity would be revealed. They dragged him into an abandoned ware house and pushed him into a chair. They tied his hands and feet to it and removed the bag. He was about to break the rope that was holding him but then they lit a match and fire went around him in a circle.
"Holy fire." Cas said under his breath. He started looking around to see if there was anything that would put it out.
Suddenly he heard the huge doors shut. He looked up and saw it was the boy from class. Then another shut, Castiel didn't recognize this one but he had long hair and was much taller than the other boy.
"Winchesters." One of the demons snarled. Winchester. Cas knew that name but for the love of his dad he couldn't remember where from. Then it clicked. The Winchester brothers! They were amazing hunters he remembered. Destined to do great things too.
A demon ran after Sam, Castiel was pretty sure that was his name. Before it even reached him Sam jumped to the side and Dean was behind him with a knife extended. The demon ran straight into it. A demon ran at Castiel but Cas grabbed it and used the things body as a bridge to walk over the holy fire circle. Dean, the one with jaw dropping green eyes, and another demon were at each other's throats. Sam was bust fighting a demon himself. Castiel knew it didn't matter if he revealed himself to hunters, especially the Winchesters. He raised his hand and both demons went up in the air. He clenched his hand into a fist and the demons disintegrated in mid air and the ashes came down like rain.
"What are you?" He heard Sam ask.
Cas let his wings out and Sam fell to his knees while Dean just stood, frozen in astonishment.
"I am an angel of The Lord"

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