Chapter 8, The staring boy.

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I'm sorry! I wanted to upload but I was very busy the last few days!

Here is chapter 8!

Vomfann! Tell me what you think! :)


After Dumbledore went a very uncomfortable awkward silence took place. He stared at me and I stared at him and nothing else happened. The only thing moving  in the Great Hall were the House-elves which were cleaning the windows with their tiny hands and soap. 

If they had wands they would've finished already! Why didn't Professor Dumbledore or any other teacher just clean them with a spell or something?

'Monika! Those creatures' job is to clean!' My head yelled. And I remembered, If I wanted to be one of my Slytherin friends, I had to think like one. 

What about Mark? Should I talk to him? Try to be friends? 'What would the others think?' I asked my recently so active mind. I already knew the answer, though.. Why would they want to be friends with a Ravenclaw who has a friend in Gryffindor!? What would Bellatrix think? After all she has done for me! And what would Tom think? .. Tom..

But didn't he show me that he wasn't interested in me.. like.. at all? If I still bothered about him I was an idiot. I knew that. But I also knew that I would still want to be his friend, and be a Slytherin. 

An idiot.

'You are not an idiot if you are a Slytherin!'  My mind. Again. 

"Are you a Gryffindor too?" Mark asked out of nowhere after he had stared at the windows for another couple of minutes. 

"No, I'm a Ravenclaw..., you're a Gryffindor, right?" I replied, still feeling uncomfortable. 

He only nodded and stared at the windows again.


"Do you enjoy watching house-elves work or something?" 

"Actually, yes I think I do. I've never seen them before, ya know.."

"Huh? But you're a fourth year? How could you have never seen 'em?"

"It's my first year at Hogwarts." I've never been so confused in my life. "Professor Dumbledore said I've always been magical..but my parents always hid me from them. Never gave me my Hogwarts letter and  even when a teacher came they denied my existance in front of them until the Wizards believed I didn't exist.. But this summer, my mother sent me to the grocery store to buy some toothpaste.." wait.. what? "and there was Professor Dumbledore in the earmuffs section.. He bought pink ones." Mark grinned and his eyes shined. "cute right? Well he looked at me, asked me if I liked the earmuffs, and when I nodded he took another pair blue ones, bought them and then gave them to me, saying: "Do you believe in magic?" And that's how I ended up here..."

There were a few minutes of silence, then he looked at his feet and whispered something like: "I like it here.."

"Me too. but hey.. if this is your first year, how are you going to keep up with everything we did until now? All the spells and potions and stuff?" I asked.

"Professor Dumbledore taught me everything I need to know... You're nice by the way!"  

I blushed.

He was very cute indeed.


First school day, Great Hall, before the trains arrive.

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The Great Hall changed a lot in the past few weeks.. 

The four tables returned to their places and the windows were -finally- clean.  The ceiling was bewitched again and the Great Hall was decorated in the colors of the four Houses. 

Mark was staring at the ceiling. Looks like he always had to stare at something!!!

I was sitting at the Rawenclaw table and Mark at the Gryffindor one. 

Almost all teachers sat on their places, except Ms. McGonnagal - a very very young beautiful witch who had a lot of admirers- and the Ground Ground Keeper, Hagrid.

Hagrid had a very sad story, He was as old as me and all my friends -including Mark, screw Tom- , but in my secnd year he was accused to be the heir of Slytherin.. A lot of people were harmed and a girl I knew, Myrtle, was killed. Though he was banned from Hogwarts, he was hired as thew Ground Keeper.

My friends -not including Mark- made fun of him a lot. But I felt sorry for him. Another reason they didn't want to accept me. 

Mark and I talked together while we were waiting. We had to yell a little since their was the Hufflepuff table between ours. And as we laughed together, Lucius Malfoy, a fifth year came in, followed by my favorite Slytherins and they stared at me and Mark. 

I was soo dead.

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