To The Ministry

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Harry couldnt sleep at all, for the fifth day in a row Vernon Dursley had berated Harry and locked him back in the cupboard under the stairs.

"Get up."

"Potter, get up now".

Dust from the cuoboard started filling the small enclosed space as both Vernon and Petunia were banging on the door.

Harry groaned and lifted himself up from the stretcher bed, unlocked the door from his side and clambered out of the cupboard.

"About time boy, we need to talk".

"Yes Uncle Vernon".

"As you know I am having guests over for the Grunnings summer party. With what happened last year, I think it is best that you are not here at all."

"Where should I go?"

"I dont particularly care but I dont want you here. Isnt there some sort of child services in the m-mag... your world".

Harry was shocked, he knew he wasnt welcome in the Dursley house but was still allowes to stay if he kept to himself and did the jobs Petunia had set for him.

Vernon paused, took a deep breath and continued with his speech, Harry could tell this had been rehearsed.

"With this being said, I, I mean we, would like to relinquish custody of you. We both know that neither of us likes eachother and each year it is going to get worse. I suggest you look for a new home."

With the final sentence Vernon was done and Harry still taking what he had heard look around at the the rest of the Dursleys. Petunia couldnt look Harry in the eye but couldnt deny she was happy about what Vernon had just said. Dudley on the other hand couldnt help but smile and wave him out the door.

Finally Harry spoke "If that is what you want I will pack my things now and leave before lunch".

With that Harry turned on the spot and left for the upstairs room where his stuff was being stored. With every step the realisation set in that the only family he had, didnt want him now. Though he never liked the Dursleys he always felt that on some level they cared for him and him for them.

As he reached the door he opened and went in. Sitting on the bed he pulled out his trunk and opened it and started packing it with his clothes. Everything else was already packed as the Dursleys wouldnt allow him to do anything related to magic in their house.

About half an hour later, Harry had completed his task and started to make his way down stairs, lugging his trunk as he went.

He looked down the hallway and smirked, knowing that though the Dursleys had deserted him, he knew everything was going to be okay.

Walking down the street pulling his trunk, he suddenly realised he didnt know where to go and sat down on thr curb and sighed. Pulling out his wand and tapping the end against his head, thinking of what had just happened.

At this point a bright purple bus whizzed around the corner missing his feet by a couple of inches. Harry looked up at the bus and saw that it had three levels, and what looked like beds on them. He must be going mad he thought, bus as he continued to analyse the purple bus he saw some ornate golden writing on the side.

'The knight bus'

"Hello, My name is Stan and I am your conductor, where would you like to go?"

Harry was pulled away from the gold writing to the man standing at the back of the bus, holding some sort of ticket machine.

"Urm sorry, what is this?" Harry asked.

"Haven't you ever heard of the night bus, hey Ern, he hasnt heard of the night bus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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