The Past

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It had started as a small connection through The Force. Only connecting them when emotions ran high. Kylo had managed to gradually grasp controls of the concept, Rey however proved not to. He could feel it gradually getting stronger and stronger, the line tugging harder on each emotion, pulling them closer, making what they had stronger. In moments of weakness it was hard not to let the invisible wire tug them into proximity of each other. Neither would admit the blossoming feelings between the two, not until the war presented it's self to be over and both didnt believe there to be peace until the other was gone, although the idea of one surviving without the other was becoming exceptionally hard as the days went on.

He could feel her training, feel her pain, her limits being broken. Pulling himself back into reality Ren strided over to the mirror embedded into the white walls of his chamber, carefully he lifted his large hand up to the scar that ran down his cheek, a fleeting moment of weakness shifted through his face and the darkness within took over, the natural urge to hit, to smack to commit acts of violence on everyone around him and on himself. The mirror became a million glass shards on the floor and the deep red ran down his left arm rapidly.

Then he felt it. Her presence was here, behind him to be exact. He didn't want to turn around, to look into the worried hazel eyes, but slowly his boot cladded feet turned him around to look down on the petite woman stood in front of him. He reached for the cotton shirt slung over the dark sheets of his bed, but a small hand reached out and grabbed his right fore arm guiding him over to her. It was unusual to see her without her classic three buns, instead she bode a small half up half down look, something Ren decided her liked on her. His brain was telling him to pull away, to not let a women, especially her look after him, he was strong he didn't need looking after, but his body was giving into the incredible woman in front of him. She didn't say anything as she applied a rag and alcohol to the cuts on his hand, he hadn't even noticed her pull out a rag, the smell of whiskey flew up his nose and his head snapped to look over at a tray bearing a variety of different bottles, one which he noticed did not have the lid on. He growled lowly in the back of his throat, something Rey noticed and looked up at.

Soon she had finished repairing him, looking down on her 5'7 frame, although she was tall, compared to his 6'3 frame she felt tiny. He could feel her heartbeat speed up and her breath hitch as he moved closer to her, he assumed it was to do with his lack of clothes on his upper half, the women usually acted like this around him, the women, all of them, they were nothing but over priced pleasure's sent to him, but she was different, she was strong, wilful and not interested in just sex and power. He didn't know what he was doing when he lifted his arm out in direction of the tray, a bottle flew into his hand rapidly, a smirk rested upon his face as he looked at the sudden look of shock while across her face.

Rey didn't know what he was doing but focusing was much harder than she liked to admit, she could see all the work of training under Snoke and the result it had on his body, something she was trying and failing not to look at.

It all happened extremely quickly but before Rey knew it she had given in, the feeling of happiness, the feeling of being wanted was being washed over her stronger than ever. The distraction to life was the reason for him. Bottle after bottle, Rey hadn't really touched alchohol before and so before both of them knew it she was giggling the feeling of pure happiness eloping her welcoming her with open arms. As much as both of them didn't want to admit it, they need this, the escape from life, from the expectations put on their shoulders.

He was beginning to feel it, the feeling of intoxication settling over him, ran was surprised the force was holding on so strong, so strong he could physically feel her. He did not know what he was doing when he placed a hand on her cheek slowly rubbing circles, gently moving down to the back of her neck, he felt her lean into his touch. She didn't know what she was doing but the feeling of pure sweet ecstasy was running through her, her clothes began to burn, she wanted badly to run her hands through the curls of his hair to pull, and scratch roughly. He stood over her and quite suddenly he let go of everything and placed his lips carefully on hers and suddenly she was kissing him back full force, her arms wrapping around his neck tightly.

Clothes were shed in the moment of alcohol and desire, his lips suckled at the sweet spot on her neck, a low moan escaped her mouth, lifting her small frame around him, Ran pushed her against one of the hard white walls kissing her rapidly. The urge of needing each other taking over.

The morning of the next day greeted Rey with a pounding in her head and aching in between her legs, the events of the previous night leaked through her brain and into her memories. Looking around quickly Rey saw she was lying in her own hut, the sheets wrapped around her legs intensely. Standing up was perhaps the wrong idea and last nights beverages came straight up.

He hadn't seen her for a while since that night, not that he particularly wanted to, but thought it strange as he felt the connection growing exceedingly stronger. Snoke had him training harder than ever, not that he minded; the distraction was necessary.

The next time he saw her was in the small ship that had taken her straight to him, her eyes staring directly at him as he looked over her. That night kept slipping into his mind as it did hers. The events that occurred over the next few hours showed Rey the man Kylo Rey was. As snoke fell Rey expected the bond between them to suffer, but it didn't, only grow stronger.

The events of Crait played on her mind months and weeks after. Rey assumed she must have picked up a sickness bug as she had fallen quite ill recently, something Leia had picked up on as well. "Rey" the generals voice split through Rey's ears, she turned to see the older woman stood in the doorway of her chambers.

"Yeah" Rey replied with a soft voice.

"Could you come with me, i want to get you checked on." Rey assumed it was to do with the way she was feeling recently. Following the general out of her chambers, they walked silently. As they approached the medical wing, Rey suddenly became nervous, the fluttery feeling returning.

"Would you like me to join you in your examination?" Rey wanted to say no, but the need of being comforted came over her and she simply nodded her head.

What was to come shocked all three women in the examination room.

"Your pregnant my love"

Rey felt a sudden feeling of sickness flow over her. He felt it too. Rey had been training to keep him out and she did although her strong emotions effected him too. He felt it, the feeling of sickness, but the most overpowering emotion was fear, he felt her fear to the bottom of his stomach.

Leia's smile slid of her face as the med nurse spoke the word 'pregnancy' she didn't know Rey had been involved with a man like that. Luke certainly didn't tell that. She glanced over at Rey her face as white as a stormtrooper, instead of doing anything, Leia simply embraced the young woman, remembering the feeling of when she too found out she was pregnant.

Rey was shaking as Leia held her, sobs racked her body for the first time in years.

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