The birth

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Since finding out about the pregnancy, Rey hadn't contacted him, hadn't even seen him. Leia had of course reacted in many ways when Rey eventually told her of the father. Only four minds knew of the pregnancy in the entire galaxy, Rey, Chewie, Leia and the nurse, all sworn to secrecy. Rey trained as normal at the beginning, taking her mind of the growing child inside her, at four months the loose clothes didn't become enough to hide the growing bump, so both Rey and Leia decided she go and spend the rest of the pregnancy with Chewie on a small island on Naboo, Finn and Poe were the hardest to convince on letting Rey go for 5 months, the growing war was scaring everyone, Rey didn't have long until she had to come out of hiding and approach Ren.

The rest of the pregnancy was long, hard and lonely for Rey, she got check- up visits from Leia and the nurse once a month, but the rest of the time her and Chewie entertained them selves, games and books were the only option really. Rey was still practising on keeping Kylo out of her head and was managing very well, the only time she ever felt his presence was a high emotions and that's the way she wanted to keep it.

Eventually the day came, she woke Chewie to the sounds of her shrieking, Rey had gone into labour, the pain of contractions was ripping through her. Kylo Ren woke, sitting up rapidly, there was a disturbance in the force, he felt her stronger than ever, she was in immense amount of pain but couldn't figure out where or why, it wasn't a stab wound or bullet wound, but all he knew was she was in a lot of pain and her presence in the force was showing it.

Chewie sent out a message to Leia and the nurse immediately, and within the hour both were stood in the room with Rey, General Organa sat with her, her hands clamped round Rey's.

"Push my dear push as hard as you can we're reaching the shoulders" The med nurse was prompting Rey with re-assurance as was Leia. Chewie sat guarding the door, he didn't like the pain she was in, it reminded him when Leia birthed her cub.

Rey had never once thought about keeping the baby, whether it was a baby girl or boy, she couldn't do that to herself or put the baby in the danger that it would be in if she did keep it. After one last push Rey heard a small cry and her entire heart melted. The beads of sweat on her forehead gleamed in the moonlight.

The med nurse handed Rey her baby, wrapped in a silk pink blanket, Rey then assumed it was a baby girl. Although she had never thought of names Rey took one look at the baby in her arms. 'Lyra' she thought quietly to herself, although she believed it to be herself, the name screamed through Ren's head, he sat confused, the pain had stopped quite suddenly, he didn't think much of it and lay back down to sleep, just praying where she was that she was okay.

Rey knew the plan, Lyra was to go to an orphanage on Naboo, she did not know which one, she and leia agreed Chewie would choose and take the baby girl now nestled in her grandmothers arms. Oh how she reminded her of ben, the hair, eyes and lips were from her father but the freckles plastered across her nose were definitely from her mother. With a sad smile Rey wrote a small note.

                           My love Lyra,

It's not safe for me to be with you my gorgeous baby girl, so I've had to make the hardest decision in my life to put you in a place that is away from me and your family, somewhere that we know you will be safe. I'm leaving you this necklace in remembrance of me.

                         I love you.

The kyber crystal once held in Leia's light saber was threaded through a silver chain and placed in the letter. The letter and the baby were then given to Chewie who walked out of the door without another word and out into the dark night of Naboo.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2020 ⏰

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