Camping Gone Wrong

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I am running as fast as my legs could go. Without turning back. Without even knowing where I'm going. I had just one goal in my mind. To get myself as far away from it as possible. I knew I had made a stupid decision to camp alone, by myself and that too in a forest like this. I never thought those rumors could be true. I thought it was just another local tale. But no. My stupid mind had to think those stupid thoughts and now look what I've got myself into. My legs are getting tired and I want to stop. But I can't. I shouldn't. I have to save myself from that that thing, whatever it is.

I slowed my running and tried to hear if anyone was following me, because I was too nervous to look around. I couldn't hear a single sound, let alone the sound of footsteps. I might have lost it. I might be safe. With these thoughts of relief, I finally came to a halt. Panting, I sat down in the cold and wet forest floor. I need to think of a way to escape from here. I was above to call for help when the realization hit me . I had left my phone back at my tent. Even if I did have my phone, there would be no signal in this middle of nowhere. Maybe I should go back to my to my tent. No, no. That thought is too stupid. After minutes of intense thinking, I finally decided to find a way out of this forest. How? I don't know. But I should try at least. Before I could stand and put my plans into place, I heard a rustling of bushes behind me. I froze and slowly turned around. There it stood, it's face towards me, giving me a look that clearly says "found you". Then it gave a sudden laugh. The laugh that killed me.

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