This is the life of my brothers...

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I really don't know what it is supposed to do.....

I mean my brothers.

I once tried to chase them with my device and record them.... One of them was running away, while the other said he will never read Harry Potter.

I was hurt. Well I am going to put down what they said in the video.

Gabe (Brother #1): "I will never ever ever read Harry Potter.

Me: "Y'know in twenty years I will show this to you and you will be like; what was I thinking?"

Gabe: "Did you hear me when I said, 'never ever'?"

Spencer (YaiBoiRedSpencer): *runs past us at a run.*

Me & Gabe: *Just looking at him.*

Spencer: *throws water bottle at us.* GET AWAY FROM ME!

Gabe: Wait? Did you catch that in camera?!

Me: Yeah I'll show it to some people. (But at that moment I did not know I would be sharing it on Wattpad.)

Gabe: Okay..

Me: Now, back to Harry Potter. YOU DIDN'T EVEN GIVE IT A CHANCE!!!!

Gabe: I did. It was boring, the first three pages were—

Me: THE FIRST THREE PAGES?! *reaches toward the first Harry Potter book.*

Gabe: Well it was boring it was like, *mumbled nonsense*

Me: Well let's work on sharing this footage or... *reaches toward first Harry Potter book*

Gabe: *Harry Potter book in his face.* No, stop. I'll read it later.

Me: *struggles to put book back in bookshelf.*

Gabe: I'll read it in five months.

Me: *automatically stops putting book in shelf* BUT FIVE MONTHS IS LIKE A MILLION YEARS! (I actually wanted someone to understand my Harry Potter references)

Gabe: A MILLION years?! Five months is five months.

SPencer:  *Runs outside*

Gabe: Now to and show someone when Spencer throws the water bottle at us.

Me: But it is like, two minutes long.

Gabe: Just skip to the part when he throws it! Just do it.

Me: But this is supposed to be an interview about why you hate Harry Potter. You didn't even give it a... Chance.

Gabe: BECAUSE IT IS BORING. *Tone in his voice that says he wants this done.*

Me: It is not boring! I mean like—

Spencer: *runs through door.* *pushes Gabe* *throws pen at me.*

Me: HE THREW A PENCIL AT ME! (😂 I didn't notice it was a pen),

Spencer: *hides*

Me: Less than two minutes ago he threw a watterbottle at us. NOW HE THREW A PEN AT US! (Good I realized it was a pen.)

Me: *Points to Gabe* Go get him.

Gabe: Yes ma'am! *runs off to chase Spencer.*

Me: *sitting here for a solid two minutes*

Gabe: *hides behind countertop.*

SPencer: *runs at Gabe and tackles him* *yells out a scream*

Me: *inches toward the fight, filming everything*

the boys: *they notice and try to take my device*

Me: *runs away*

Spencer: *runs outside*

Me: *goes to Gabe.* D'you like to footage of you two fighting?

Gabe: no.

Jake (other brother): *comes up the stairs.*

Gabe: *pounces on him*

Jake: That wasn't funny. *runs towards Gabe and beats him with a blanket.*

Gabe: *laying on the floor. A blanket beating him* *screams and laughs at the same time.*

Jake: *rolls on him*

Spencer: *comes inside and covers my camera*

If any of you want little brothers... Think twice

A random book, with my crazy daily life.... So I guess this is a journal...Where stories live. Discover now