•|• My Imperial Highness •|•

586 13 465


Name: ( Alesandro van Soleil )

Age: ( 23 )

Sexuality:( Bisexual )

Species: ( Human )

Gender: ( Male )


( He's 5'8 )

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( He's 5'8 )

•Background info•

Strengths: ( As a prince and heir to the throne, he is supposed to be good at any sort of strategy and politics, so he can cover up anything if things get out of hands with the palace. He keeps the peace rather well with others and is very polite to all those who he talks with. He finds time in his schedule to go horse back riding since he feels at peace when he's riding with his horse who he's had for 3 years, and is very skilled at anything besides fighting due to his weak health. Alesandro loves to make tea or small snacks in the kitchen when he has the chance, a majority of the time he'll bring those snacks to the knights just to thank them for all that they do. )

Weaknesses: ( Because of his health, he was not taught anything that would be too taxing on his body, and the crown prince is much better at things like that but is terrible at anything requiring paperwork or ruling a country. He tends to not rely on others because he was taught from a young age to not be too trusting, and had a lot of assassination attempts as a kid because of his relation to the throne, so he's pretty unlucky and lucky at the same time. He doesn't have the best reflexes nor is he the most athletic, but that doesn't stop him from trying to learn how to defend himself even when most of the time it doesn't work out for him. Though thankfully he has the help of Andreas who keeps him on track on learning, and he's improved a lot since the time he first started the way of the sword. )

Personality: ( Alesandro is a very kind yet strict individual who won't stand for those who betray him or backstab anyone. He is very smart and knows how to hold conversations with others, something his brother isn't very good at, and will never show anyone a disdainful expression. Despite his weak health he tends to not rely on others also due to the childhood trauma of always nearly getting assassinated, which had a big impact on him. He keeps the peace easily with his father who is a tyrant because he knows if things get out of hand there would definitely be an uprising. Alesandro is very soft spoken and doesn't like to raise his voice any more than necessary, thankfully if someone talks over him he has the help of those around him to make sure he's heard. For someone so 'meek' as people put it, he holds a lot of authority in the palace so even if people try to insult or overthrow him he can't retort in any fashion he sees fit. He's not the type it let someone walk all over him. )

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