Chapter 2

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*(Dream's POV)*

I've been wondering where Blueberry was but when I went home I saw a plushie that looked like me and a key...with a button on it? Huh..I wonder where it goes to...

*in the middle of the night*

*(Still Dream's POV)*

Okay so I noticed this little door on my wall near my bed so I tried the key and it worked..?

Oh-kay then.....well looks like I'll just go through this tiny door... *goes through the door*

*("Other" Nightmare)*

So I was cooking in the kitchen but I heard something from the living room so I went to check and well well well that's when I noticed my brother of course!

*(Dream's POV)*

*covered in dust* I came into this house that looks like mine and my brother's house and I smelled something really good but then I noticed someone that looked like Nightmare..

*("Other" Nightmare)*

Hello brother ^^

Dream: W-Wait....but....I thought you hated me!

I don't hate you brother <:3

*(Dream's POV)*

I-I need to go...


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