A Love That Drowns - Part 3

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"Good night, Wendy. Get home safely." The old man waved to the bowing young woman before walking away, towards his car. He unlocked the door and had just pulled the handle when he heard a car roar past behind him. Turning around, he saw a silver sedan stopping abruptly in front of the clinic doors.

Doctor Kim furrowed his brows, contemplating on whether he should tell the driver to be more careful, when he saw a familiar woman stumbling out of the vehicle with a bouquet of flowers. He immediately smiled then shook his head before stepping inside his car and drove away.

Irene nearly tripped but regained her balance and managed to get out of the car unharmed. She ran towards the waiting Wendy while hiding the bouquet behind her back.

"I'm sorry I'm late! I got held up at work because that annoying boss of mine couldn't stop yapping in that boring meeting and traffic was suddenly crazy and my phone ran out of battery so I couldn't call you to tell you that I was going to be late and I-mmphmmhmm..."

She stopped talking when Wendy grabbed her face and kissed her. Her body instantly relaxed and she considerably calmed down in that short few seconds, smiling when Wendy released her.

"Breathe. You're just ten minutes late. It's okay."

"But I made you stand out here alone for ten minutes."

"I had a chat with the receptionist and the doctor while I waited. No big deal, Bae." Wendy moved her hands up Irene's face, fixing the disheveled hair. "Did you speed all the way here?"


"That's dangerous. I'd rather have you late but whole. Don't do that again, okay? I don't know what I'd do if anything happens to you."

Irene grinned at that. "Okay. I promise to drive safely from now on."

"Good." Wendy then noticed the colors behind Irene's back. "What's that?"

Irene showed Wendy the bouquet of pink roses. "Happy first meeting anniversary."


"We first met last year today, right here at this very building."

Wendy began to smile widely as she took the flowers. "You're cheesy."

"Yes, I am. If I could, I'd celebrate everything we've done so far but since that might be impossible for my limited memory, and not to mention my insufficient resources, I'll pick a few things and probably surprise you from time to time."

"Feel free to do so." Wendy gave Irene another peck and smiled when Irene pulled her into a hug. "But don't feel like you're required to do anything. I'm happy with just you and your love."

Irene had to laugh, curling her fingers behind Wendy's back. "Who's the cheesy one now?"

"Let's call it even for tonight. Now come on, your car is blocking the entrance."


"Isn't it a bit late for a walk?" asked Wendy as she unbuckled her seatbelt. "You've just recovered from that cold, I don't want you to get sick again from the evening wind."

"I'll be fine. I need the light exercise and some fresh air," answered Irene who then patted Wendy's thigh. "Let's go."

Wendy got out of the car then went around to the other side where Irene was waiting for her with an extended hand. She grabbed Irene's arm instead, clinging to her as close as she could as they began walking.

It was a bit crazy for her to be so head over heels for this person who had blatantly - almost offensively - gawked at her as soon as they laid eyes on each other for the first time.

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