𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟥

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I left the staff room and headed to the garden. I usually went to the garden whenever I needed to think.

If Conner is supposed to marry soon, then that means I'll need to find someone as well...

I'll have to ask Mother, but she's probably doing charity work right now. I'll ask later.

But if I were to ask I was supposed to marry soon, and she said yes, then I should probably prepare a list of some sort.

Who did I like though?

I hadn't been around many boys, except for Ace, Conner, and some other guards.

Hmm, who were some guards that I enjoyed being around?

I liked being with Ace, but I'd never really thought of him as more than just a friend. Either way, he probably doesn't like me like that.

Pete? But Pete was kinda stupid.

Maybe Oliver... Nah, too quiet.

Logan? Too reckless.

Carter? Too obsessive.

Adrien? Too indecisive.

Wyatt? Too... Huh, there was nothing wrong with Wyatt.

But I needed a list, not just one person.

In the end, I chose Wyatt, Graham, Carson, and Ace.

I only chose Ace because I knew him well though.

By the time I finished with the mental list, Mother was probably still going to do the charity work for about, half an hour.

I also knew that Ace was on break.

So I headed to the staff room once again.

"Hey, Ace!" I waved to him.

"Oh, hey Val!" he waved back.

"Wanna hang out?"

"Sure, where?"


He threw me a look.

"What about we go on a ride?" he suggested.

"On what though?"


"To where?"

"We could go to the forest trail?"

"Sounds good to me."

"Okay, follow me!" he motioned for me to come with him to the stables.

I chose my horse, Cloud. Cloud is a white Arabian horse.

Ace chose Nexus, a Hanoverian horse.

We rode to the down the forest trail, simply talking.

"So how're guard duties?" I asked.

"Eh, they're fine," he answered "how's Conner? I heard the thing about you not wanting a bitch for the next queen of Canamaria~"

I laughed, "I haven't checked up on Conner since breakfast, but I'm guessing that he's as excited as a cat when they see or smell catnip."

He chuckled. "If he's getting married, does that mean you're going to soon as well?"

"That's what I thought, I was going to ask Mother, but she's doing some charity work right now. I even made a list in case she said I needed to choose someone." I said.

"Who's on the list?" he asked.

"Wyatt, Graham, and Carson." I listed, I purposely left Ace out, so things wouldn't get awkward.

"Oh." he sounded deflated.


"Just wondering."


"Anyways, are you interested in someone?" I wiggled my eyebrows.

"Heh, yeah, I have someone I like already."

"Ooooooooh, who is it?"

"I'd... Rather not say."

"Being secretive now, eh?"

"Maybe," he grinned.

I smiled.

"Do you ever wonder what life was like in the past?" I wondered aloud.

"How far back are you thinking?"

"Like, when Canamaria was still called Canada."

"Hmmm, I remember my ancestors wrote this sort of diary, it said something about somebody named Calculator..."

"What was Calculator's purpose?" I asked.

"It didn't say."

"But Calculator isn't a name," I pointed out.

"It must've been a name that was banned or something later on." suggested Ace.

"That makes sense."

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