Nejire's Heart

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He could see her, lying on her back, completely motionless. Her eyes were closed and she looked almost for the fact that she looked like she wasn't breathing. Mirio's mind switched into panic mode when he put his ear on her chest and his eyes widened in horrifying realization.

Nejire's wasn't beating at all. "Nonononononono!" Mirio's mind raced. Nejire must've gotten hurt during the raid and now she was at death's door. If only he hadn't lost his Quirk. If only he hadn't got hit by one of those Quirk destroying bullets. He could've prevented this. He could've helped her.

Wait a minute...

He can still help her. He can still save her life. After all, their teachers back at U.A. taught them first aid for a reason. Wasting no time, Mirio placed both of his hands on the area of Nejire's chest where her heart was and proceeded to press down on it.

He gave her around 30 or more compressions before pinching her nose and breathed into her. Two breaths cause her chest to move up and down, but her heart refused to budge. "Come on, Nejire! Wake up!" Mirio cried out as he continued compressions. Giving up wasn't an option. He would coax her heart back to life with sheer will if he had to.

He repeated the cycle about 4 or 5 times. 30 or more compressions and two breaths. He could hear the sound of her ribs cracking and breaking, much to his discomfort. Yet, Nejire's heart showed no signs of starting back up again. Mirio continued with the CPR, hoping and praying that she would wake up. "Please wake up! Please!" Mirio begged.

As he continued compressions, he started to worry that his efforts were in vain. That her heart wouldn't beat again. That he would never get the chance to tell her how he...

His thoughts were cut short happened.


Nejire's heart gave the hardest thump it ever gave as she suddenly let out a huge gasp for air. Her body jolted upward as she clutched her chest, trying to catch her breath. Mirio stepped back to allow her to breathe. "C...chest...hurts," Nejire utters, trying to inhale and exhale as calmly as possible.

She didn't have time to process what had just happened as a few moments later, she was met with Mirio's arms wrapping themselves around her. "Nejire...oh, thank God," Mirio cried, tears of relief flowing from his eyes. "M...Mirio?" Nejire said in confusion, her chest still aching from the CPR he had given her.

It then occurred to Nejire that Mirio had given her CPR. Her face turned slightly red as her heart picked up in speed at the realization. She was still breathing heavily from literally being back to life. She lightly grabbed Mirio's head and placed it on her chest. There, the heart he had restored to life pumped steadily and strongly in his ears.

The thumping in her appeared to calm him down. She was alive. She was gonna be okay.

A few months have passed and not a day goes by that he doesn't think about that moment. Losing Nighteye had weighted heavily on Mirio. But Nejire was different. Losing her would be akin to losing a part of himself. "You alright, Mirio?" Nejire asked, laying on the bed beside him.

"I'm fine," Mirio replied. "Just...thinking about...when I almost lost you." Nejire figured as much. The thought of losing someone close must have terrified him. She naturally proceed to comfort him by placing his head on her chest. On her heart.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

"Hey. I'm still here. My heart's still beating," she says in a comforting tone. Mirio held her close to him. The strong sounds of her heart was soothing to him. He would do everything in his power, quirkless or otherwise, to keep her heart beating and alive.

Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump! Ba-Bump!

Nejire's Heart (Mirio x Nejire One Shot)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें