Okay do you know how a babies first word is either mum or dad what about babies that are in orphanages is there first word care taker or wod it be like the person looking after thems first name because imagin a babies first word being l-linda.
Why is it that sometimes you ignore everyone and puch them away you get called heartless even when the person dosent know why like a family member could of just died and the person would want to be alone.
Why is it that i can remember what happened a week ago at 11:04am BUT i cant remember where i placed meh something 5mins ago.
Do u hate it when you have to shower and you dont want to then when you get in the shoewr you dont want to leave LIKE BRAIN MAKE UP YER MIND PLEASE.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2020 ⏰

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