1000 tags!

34 1 3

1. My name is Julia (duh)

2. My favorite color is hot pink!!

3. It's going to take a lonnnnng time to get to 1000

4. I can play the violin, piano, guitar, double bass, cello, recorder, ukelele, and viola (Hey, I never said I could play them well XD)

5. I quit gymnastics to focus on dance.

6. I do ballet, but for some reason, I'm really bad at Modern XD

7. I respond with XD way to much XD

8. Oops I did it again ...

9. The longest I've had a crush is 8 months.

10. I'm on tag number 10!

11. Whenever I search something random, it's always cats even though they're scary XD

12. This is going to take a long time.

13. I had braces when I was 7 years old.

14. I was supposed to wear a retainer probably for the rest of my life, but I forgot it on a trip to Cali XD

15. I'm a year younger than most people at school :(

16. ... but I prefer to call it "young and underestimated"

17. :)

18. I have an unhealthy obsession with Twilight.

19. I would say I also have an unhealthy obsession with KOTLC, but that's impossible for it to be unhealthy.

20. I ship Sophitz.

21. But I also ship Sokeefe.

22. And Sotam.

23. And Keefecat.

24. (*insert all roleplay ships here*

25. Grammarly is annoying.

26. I have a crush on here ....

27. Moving on,

28. I want to go to Bora Bora!

29. I hate coronavirus.

30. I'm going to high school this year!

31. I'm scared for high school XD

32. I wonder when I'll finish this ....

33. I might upload these in 100's.

34. I used to ice skate.

35. Then I quit because I placed 4th in a competition....

36. And it was out of 4 people in my age group ...

37. -_-

38. I've been dancing for 10 years.

39. I LOVE BTS!!!!!!!!!

40. I suck at action video games.

41. I want to move to Forks, Washington, and I'll move in with my dad 'cause my mom wants to marry Phil ...

42. Comment here if you got that XD

43. TamTheShade

43. TamTheShade

44. TamTheShade

45. Tagging people is hard.

46. I love pointe class a little more than ballet class.

48. I roleplay (kinda) as ItsSilenaBeauregard

A Buncha Things That I Can't Remember So Look In The DescriptionWhere stories live. Discover now