Chapter 4 - Hollow

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Jungkook couldn't place what he was currently feeling. Confused, disorientated, cold and...Strange. 

Hollow. Hollow was the correct word. His mind, body and strangely the back of his head felt very empty. It was such an odd feeling. 

He felt misplaced, like the atmosphere around him was defying his existence.

His name...Jungkook was his name. The same name that was engraved into the stone tablet in front of him. Why did he have the same name? And why did he feel like that would be a good place to lie down? 

Jungkook's limbs felt limp and lifeless and he found that he had to focus a lot more on moving a certain body part just to put it into action. He felt so slow and sluggish.

He wasn't sure how long he had been standing there for, flies not once leaving him alone. Jungkook barely remembered his journey to the cemetery. He did however remember what it felt like when he 'woke up', like it had been from a very heavy and deep slumber. He had seen a faint glow, like soft orange embers in the distance. It called to him in a female voice, in a language he could not for the life of him understand, but he knew, knew that it was telling him to wake up and walk. And like a puppet moved by strings, he rose, thrusting himself out of that cold, dark metal drawer with inhuman strength and he began walking.

One of the things that he could definitely feel was the back of his head. It felt very tender and...broken? Like it had been smashed against something. Against what, he didn't know. He had raised his hand to the back of his head and touched it with careful fingers, feeling a pattern of stitches run along the surface under his hair. 

It hadn't hurt to touch it. He was struggling to feel anything at the moment. Although he breathed air into his lungs, he strangely didn't feel like he needed to. And his heart...he had held a cold hand over his chest and felt nothing from the organ. Why was that.

All the way up to the cemetery, which had taken several hours to walk, he felt drunk and in a smoggy haze which he fought to break out of. The faint consistent sound of buzzing reached his ears and he wondered why the flies seemed to be following him.

Jungkook felt weak, confused and lonely, yet he didn't feel the emotions enough to cry. He didn't feel any emotion. Not until something came over the slight dip of the hill where he stood in the cemetery. Not until he turned when he saw the familiar flicker of an orange glow approach him. And when he turned, all that dead air he breathed into his lungs was knocked out of him all at once.

Heart beating faster than you ever felt it beat, things around you seemed to disappear as you looked at the boy a few feet in front of you. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2020 ⏰

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