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"This is what 100 million buys?" Luke asks as he and Artemis stand a few feet behind Dom. Elena wakes from the voice that isn't Dom's. "It wasn't hard to find you, Toretto."

"I wasn't hiding," Dom says as he turns to look at Luke and Artemis.

"How's the life of the retired international criminal?" Artemis asks with a smirk as she and Luke walks over to Dom. She knew that Elena was somewhere nearby.

"I like it here. It's quiet," Dom answers her with a smile. "Nice weather, and no extradition. So what are you doing here, cops?"

"Last Tuesday, a team of highly coordinated drivers took down an entire military convoy in Russia," Luke explains.

"I don't do cold weather," Dom tells him.

"I know it wasn't you," Luke replies. "But you're going to help me catch the team responsible." Elena walks outside before cocking her gun.

"And you ain't gonna need that," Artemis says with a smirk as she looks at Elena.

"You can't touch him, Hobbs. You've got no powers..." Elena starts.

"I'm not here to extradite anyone," Luke tells her as she and Artemis hug. "See, he's going to come voluntarily. As a matter of fact, he's going to beg me." Dom looks at Luke confused. "This was taken a week ago." Luke hands Dom a file. "I'll see you out front." Dom opens the file as Elena watches Luke and Artemis walk away.

Dom walks outside to find Luke and Artemis waiting.

"I'm going to need everything, all the info you got," Dom says as he leans against his car.

"You'll get it when the team gets it," Luke tells him.

"No team," Dom says with a shake of his head. "This is going to have to be me alone."

"It's not that simple," Artemis says with a sigh.

"The crew we're after, they hit like thunder and disappear like smoke. You go in alone, you won't ever touch them. I've been chasing this guy across four continents and 12 countries, and believe me, the last damn place I want to be right now is on your front doorstep, selling Girl Scout cookies. I need your help, Dom. I need your team," Luke explains.

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