The beginning of the end

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It has been 4 years since The Battle Of Ajan Kloss. Nobody has heard from Rey, Everyone thinking she died. As the galaxy is in chaos and mass depression under Palpatines evil rule, Poe has had enough.

In the old rebel base on Hoth, Poe and the resistance gathered around in a closed hanger

|Poe Dameron: Everyone, Today we are going to end this war. Today, we are gonna go all out on Coruscant. Today, We will avenge Reys death. We need to gather all the forces we can, And finally end all of this! We will finally end Palpatine, And his army. Lets get Lando to get his friends to help again. This is the beginning of the end.|

Resistance fighters cheer and run off to get into their fighters, Their fleet of ships get ready and float above Hoth.

|Poe Dameron: I want transports to go up into ships above, We'll head to Coruscant when we are ready.|

Poe would contact Lando

|Poe Dameron: Lando! I'm gonna need you and your friends again. We're gonna take down The Empire. Today.|

|Lando Calrissian: Alrighty then, I'll gather everyone. It's about time we defeat Palpatine again.|

Their call ended

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