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' I don't know how to say this but, I like you'

He likes me. HE LIKES ME!!  San was screaming on the inside but have to stay still on his expression

"You know what? It's fine. Just tell me you don't have any feelings for me. You don't even like me. Just forget everything I said. Forget that I want to talk to you here alone in the first place. Don't even--"

"Me too. Wooyoung, I have the same feelings for you too. I never thought you'll feel the same for me. My bestfriends always said 'oh it's fine, just go talk to him and tell everything' and any other things like that"

The two stared each other and lost in their own wonderland. They were just standing there and the sunset as their background. The newly confessed pair were having their own moment until an undescribable noises were heard

It was Seonghwa and Hongioong with a phone in Hwa's slender hand. Probably recoreding the whole situation

"Finally!! No one's single anymore!! We did it! We did it!" Their cheers made a couple whipped their head towards the noise's direction

The couple would think is this their first time dating or do they now know what is love  [don't mind me humming what is love by twice]

The couples ignored it and continued their date while the new pair was still in a confused state

"Where the hell did you two from?! Aren't you guys supposed to be at my place now? Why are going out?" Wooyoung threw them numerous questions

"okay, now stop. Wooyoung please, stop. One, we were bored at your place because Yunho and Mingi were flirting all the time while Yeosang was just laying down, playing Jongho's hair. Like, what the fuck are we gonna do? Flirt like them too? Hell no. And that's why we're here now, behind that tree" the strawberry male replied with a pout

"and when we saw you guys were given the rose, i was about to scream because that was the cutest baby i've ever seen but this tiny person put his hand over my mouth so we won't get caught" he said and thst made the younger pout even more when he heard the 'tiny person' part

"okay, now Hwa, shut up and let me talk"

"oh, baby. You know my line for tonight" Seonghwa said and winked at the smaller making him turn all red

"now you're the one who were flirting..?" Wooyoung looked at them with an emotionless face

"so you two dating now? Please say yes. I'll buy you yo-"

"yes hyung, we are. Right?" San replied, looking at the younger beside him

Wooyoung nodded, giving him a warming smile. The two oldest just looked at them with proud smiles

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