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weeks after.

yoonjin sighed heavily as we walked towards our apartment, we're housemates after all.

"what is it this time? is it mr. kim? again?" she nodded.

"how can he be so hotㅡ ya! that hurts!"

"why do you go around having that attraction towards him? is he hitting on you?" i asked as i got the key for our door.

i looked at her and she only flailed her hands in the air, completely frustrated. i chuckled.

"why are you laughing? you're supposed to be here as my emotional support."

"so if you're gonna cry, then i'll cry too..?"

"sounds absurd, but yeah." we both laughed.

"but i just can't understand him. the man, kim wooseok, is a frustrating human being. he flirts with me, then the next day, he's flirting with someone else, and then again with me. he even asks me out on a date! i don't know anymore."

"ya, if you really think that he's good for you, then go for him. but if you have doubts, then decline. it's that simple."

she nodded as she stared at me from the sofa she's on. i plopped beside her after i took off my shoes and hugged her.

"simple? says the woman who's desperate for a boyfriend- ow! you should stop that habit of hitting others. but all things aside, thank you for being my bestest friend. i wouldn't be this person if it wasn't for you."

"eh, here you go again, being dramatic."

she got up, "oh, i'm starving!"

"so am i, jin."

she walked to the refrigerator and gasped, "yuna, i need a favour!"

i quickly rushed to her side and saw the fridge with almost no food for the both of us. "sure, your money or mine?"

"mine," she said. i went to where her bag was and got money in her pocket.

"i brought extra cash just in case." i smile and she automatically knew what my plan was.

"the bubblegum flavour for me, with extra sprinkles. you know, the usual."

"yes ma'am!" i saluted as i wore my coat and gloves and my sneakers. winter is nice.


"here's your change, have a nice day!" the cashier smiled and bowed as i got out, doing the same thing to her.

i took my time walking, even though my feet were freezing, and just looked at the people out on the snow. i smiled.

the trees covered in snow, the kids playing snowball fights, building snowmen, couples dating, and other people skating. this is a nice view.

"oh, right. the ice cream." a cold snack on a cold weather.

i spotted the usual ice cream parlour and went inside. "ah, if it isn't yuna."

"hi jimin."

"come sit in the back, your nose is as red as rudolph's. i'll make you a cup of hot chocolate."

"oh, no, you shouldn't-"

"oh, but i insist. and you won't pay for it either." he smiled.

i smiled back, "always the bestest brother, huh?"

he looked down before he stared back at me and smiled, "yeah. bestest brother indeed. now, come on."

i waited for him to make the said drink and when it was finished, i removed my gloves and held the cup between my hands. "thanks again, jiminie."

"hm, no problem." he smiled adorably that his eyes were barely seen.

"oh, i need to buy yoonjin's usual."

"sure thing." he kept smiling which was continuously melting my heart. why does he have to be very adorable?

"here you go, bubblegum flavoured ice cream..."

"with extra sprinkles." we both said simultaneously and laughed.

i paid for it and said our goodbyes after i got the change.

i decided to walk my way back to the apartment when i bumped onto someone.

"oh- sorry, sorry. i wasn't focusing on- oh, yohan-ssi?"

"hey yuna. i should be sorry, i've got some errands to do and i wasn't minding my way."

he smiled at me apologetically and i smiled back, the butterflies in my stomach now flying again. there was something about his eyes that i can't quite comprehend, but whatever.

"oh- i gotta go," he looked at his wristwatch.

"bye yuna, and it was nice meeting you again."


"hey, i got the groceries."

"what took you longer than usual?" yoonjin asked as she arranged the things in the fridge.

"jimin made me stay for a bit and i can't resist the ball of cuteness." i smiled while i stare at nothingness, just thinking about jimin's smile.

"oh? what did he do?"

"what? no."

"NO i didn't mean that, you perverted mind person. i meant on what he literally did. did he give you something for free?"

"yeah, hot choco."

"man, i should've gone with you." i only smiled towards her and shook my head.

she closed the fridge and strutted towards me, "i think that there's more than just jimin..?"

i sighed, "sometimes, i don't like you. i can't keep secrets all to myself."

"well, you should know that by now."

we both sat down on the sofa with yoonjin bringing her ice cream. "who is it?"

"well, remember last week?"

"specifically when?"

"the time when you called me over and over? the one when you were suspicious about me?"

she looked up, "yeah.. why?"

"well, i saw this guy-"

"is he good-looking?"

i sighed, "i- really? is that all you can ask?" she rolled her eyes.

"just answer."

"fine. yes, he is. he's gorgeous." you guys could say that we giggled like schoolgirls.

"what's his name?"

"yohan... something... i don't know his surname."

she chuckled, "pft, but hey, his name sounds gorgeous already."

"i know, right?"

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